
FTI consulting salary

So I’m interested in working for FTI. Spoken to a few folks, but never really heard about them until they reached out to me. They operate like a big 4, so I’m curious to know what salaries look like there for senior consultant in cyber? TIA #consulting #fticonsulting

FTI Consulting Banri Feb 24, 2021

Idk about cyber but in restructuring I was making $140k salary before getting promoted to Director. Bonus is probably another 30k-50k depending on how much hours you bill in the year.

yoluto OP Feb 25, 2021

Is that bonus total between CHIP and DIP? if so, what’s the break down look like?

FTI Consulting Banri Mar 3, 2021

It was probably 50/50.

Alvarez & Marsal shynepo Mar 3, 2021

I honestly don't get why folks go to Alix and FTI for restructuring. I had offers from both but ended up at A&M. TC was $300k for Senior associate at A&M vs $170k for FTI/alix

FTI Consulting Banri Mar 4, 2021

The hours are generally better at the former. At A&M you’re working banking hours.

Alvarez & Marsal shynepo Mar 4, 2021

Different comp structure... At A&M, you get a % of collections, so you want to work banking hours. The more hours, the larger the bonus.