Have I missed the AI wave?

Will I be too late to cash in on the gold rush if I am going to job search in Aug’24. If I start 📚, doing certifications , blog posting I think I will be ready by Aug’24 to add value. But..but… have I missed the wave? Sorry living under the rock and just used my blind after couple of years. Solution Architect here in a specific domain and just use sql/bash/Python for my day job. I don’t need AI at all so far for my daily work. TC:237 #ai #faang

57 Participants
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Amazon Oitsourxem Apr 27

Maybe the bubble

Walt Disney NbQE67 Apr 27

If you want to earn a bunch of publicly traded equity that rises in value, maybe If you want to earn a bunch of publicly traded equity thats worth 6 figures a year and you sell immediately as it vests, no. the same as any big tech If you want to grab a piece of a revenue stream directly, no, only the beginning If you get outside of big tech - no even within big tech - most people are behind the curve. They dont know chatgpt4 is multimodal, they dont know how to use an LLM locally, they dont know about other kinds of transformers. its very early. Just make your own flavor of an AI girlfriend and pimp her out with targeted ads

Meta NEFf81 Apr 27

Never too late. Getting in earlier is better but only for the lucky few, for the vast majority, AI as an area is going to grow over the next 10-20 years and become more mainstream like traditional distributed systems / software

Microsoft mlm_man Apr 27

So what one should focus MLE or SWE?

Meta NEFf81 Apr 28

Whatever you like, focus on improving skills. All these fields are not that easy to master and will be around for a while. Right now one of the biggest opportunities is AI hardware which requires skills (embedded, compilers) which were not considered popular yet now are hugely in demand

Affirm Hookaba Apr 27

AI is just getting started and there's millions to be made if you catch the right train. The question is... What is the right train? Models are not going to be a moat, we can see it with Anthropic being better than ChatGPT 4, and open weight LLM being better than ChatGPT 3.5 already (thank you Meta and Mistral) The money will be in a smart usage of the tech

Stripe surviving! Apr 27

Certifications for what?

Meta wsj-update Apr 27

237 at G? Care to explain more?

Amazon baror Apr 27

Imagine yourself sitting in 2004, ask yourself, did I miss the web internet revolution?

Microsoft dloop Apr 27

What certifications are you considering if you don't mind sharing? Hard to distinguish what might actually be considered useful over developing some smaller projects that gain some usage.