Sales & BD CareerJan 31, 2023

Gartner penalizing "boomerang" employees

It's an open secret that when you move from SMB to enterprise at Gartner, the pay isn't great and they cap your income. It used to be the case you could leave, show you're a successful rep elsewhere, and if you want to come back get market rates. Gartner has a new rule that penalizes employees who leave then come back. New employees get market rate, old employees are capped at a few percentage points higher than former OTE regardless of past (or current) performance or success. I started selling at Gartner and worked up bigger positions with more responsibility. I outperformed most new employees but still made less money than them. I also saw other employees I outperformed leave Gartner and literally make double the money. So what choice did I have but to leave? You'd think Gartner would reward employees who stay and grow with the company by paying them market rates. Nope--now they penalize BOTH Gartner reps who stay and who want to come back. This is just another example of Gartner's "manage by excel sheet" leadership style.

azerty1357 Jan 31, 2023

It depends on the situation. If someone leaves to get a massive TC and then comes back in a year to get that TC plus more, that's not right. If they come back years later and got a lot of experience under their belt, that's a different story.

Amazon Tiddle Jan 31, 2023


Okta Inww40 Feb 3, 2023

AT&T started doing something similar to this to deal with the sales employees leaving and coming back to time and a half the money for the same job. They had the CEO of AT&T Business personally approve the return of any prodigal son/daughter. The hyphenator didn't approve anyone to come back from what I heard.

Amazon Tiddle Feb 3, 2023

How are things at Okta?

Gartner jeAX38 Feb 7, 2023

False. After one year gone from gartner they evaluate you on what they feel you’re worth rather than calling you at your old company. I just went through this with an old rep.