
Any internship referrals really appreciated

Hey everyone! Long story short, I'm a computer science master's student and my internship contract ends by the end of this month (by May 1st) without anything lined up for the summer; I could really use a referral to any internship for software engineering. I do primarily full-stack web development but I'm not picky at all! Hope I'm not too late. Thanks in advance! #akamai, #accolite, #affirm, #airbnb, #alibaba, #alation, #adobe, #amex, #amd, #akunacapital, #appdynamics, #aristanetworks, #atlassian, #audible, #baidu, #barclays, #blackrock, #bloomberg, #blizzard, #booking, #box, #bumble, #bytedance, #cameo, #capitalone, #citadel, #citrix, #cloudera, #codenation, #cohesity, #coursera, #coupang, #dataminr, #databricks, #datadog, #deshaw, #didi, #docusign, #doordash, #dropbox, #dunzo, #ebay, #epic, #evernote, #expedia, #factset, #flipkart, #garena, #github, #goldmansachs, #grab, #groupon, #houzz, #hrt, #hulu, #indeed, #intel, #intuit, #janestreet, #jpmorgan, #jumptrading, #liveramp, #linkedin, #lyft, #mastercard, #microsoft, #morganstanley, #netflix, #nutanix, #opendoor, #oracle, #patreon, #palantir, #paypal, #paytm, #pocketgems, #pinterest, #ponyai, #poshmark, #postmates, #qualtrics, #quip, #quora, #redfin, #reddit, #referral, #riotgames, #roblox, #robinhood, #rivian, #rubrik, #salesforce, #sapient, #serviceNow, #solarwinds, #splice, #splunk, #spotify, #square, #sumologic, #tesla, #tencent, #tiktok, #toptal, #tripadvisor, #triplebyte, #twilio, #tinder, #twitch, #twitter, #twosigma, #uber, #visa, #virtufinancial, #vmware, #wayfair, #wish, #yandex, #ynga, #zappos, #zillow, #zulily, #startup, #tech, #swe, #product, #intern, #engineering, #software, #hedgefund, #machinelearning, #datascience, #softwareengineering, #computerengineering, #hiring, #referral, #jobs, #tech, #internships, #referrals, #f1, #student, #help, #please, #referral, #Qualcomm, #patreon

Caterpillar WWuA60 Apr 15

DM for Booz Allen referral (anyone else can DM me as well)

ClCM30 OP Apr 16


hiFkenj671 Apr 15

DM for Tesla referral

ClCM30 OP Apr 16

Sent, thanks!

fSBQ54 Apr 17

Mind if I DM for internship referral too?

ByteDance qzsc444 Apr 17

DM for ByteDance / TikTok