
Amazon intern waiting on team matching

Hi all, My partner (PhD candidate) passed the internship rounds at Amazon & was moved to team matching. They haven't heard back from the recruiter except for a "team matching will happen soon" type of response. I'm starting to get concerned that this is a rug pull. Does Amazon usually take ages to organize team matching conversations?

ex-Meta zuccked Mar 25

For intern the teams are auto assigned, there wouldn’t be a team match sell call. It should happen with a week or two for PhD interns. Also for intern there are no specific recruiters assigned for emailing its a general email(sps) Did the email say there would be a sell call?

Meta mєtamatє OP Mar 25

Maybe it's changed? The recruiter said that teams shortlist the candidates that they are interested in which have also passed the bar.

ex-Meta zuccked Mar 25

Seems to be, disregard the above comment!