Misc.Mar 29

Can my Alma Mater retaliate against me/future children if I sign as a claimant on a class action lawsuit?

TLDR they estimate my payout at $2k if I sign. Would this put me in bad standing with my Alma Mater or reduce any “legacy” admissions benefit my children may receive? If I don’t sign on, the same amount money goes to a charity of the plaintiff’s choosing. https://www.npr.org/local/305/2022/01/11/1072060257/georgetown-among-universities-sued-for-being-part-of-price-fixing-cartel

Georgetown among universities sued for being part of ‘price-fixing cartel’
Georgetown among universities sued for being part of ‘price-fixing cartel’
WAMU 88.5
10 Participants
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PayPal EUWmRZh7 Mar 29

Georgetown isn’t prestigious. It’s just expensive. Don’t worry about it

Amazon OhFF20 OP Mar 29

Not the question at hand, but noted

Amazon Robidawg Mar 29

Will the $2k matter in 5 years? Probably not worth the risk of a lawsuit that could potentially be detrimental to you and your children’s future.

Amazon OhFF20 OP Mar 29

Probably the rational perspective, one I think I share. Thanks.