Prep for call with Apple hiring manager

I have a call scheduled in a few days with the hiring manager at Apple for a wireless module engineer role. Does anyone have any insight into what I can expect? The recruiter avoided the question when asked and this is my first interview since college so I'm a bit rusty. On a side note, is there a set amount of time I'd have to wait before trying to switching internally? This role isn't exactly aligned with my current experience (board design), but I just applied anyway since the recruiter sent me the listing. 4 YOE 105K TC #interview #hardware #apple

Qualcomm fork_j Jun 27, 2022

As far as your question about internal switch, why didn't you ask the recruiter in the first place about if there are opportunities that are more aligned to your goals and experience?

Northrop Grumman choyle OP Jun 27, 2022

I initially applied to a few that were listed in socal which is closer to where I currently live. When he initially reached out to me, he sent me a relevant role that was based in norcal but could be worked at one of the socal locations. I applied to that one (never heard back) and asked him a again to send me any other positions that stated norcal but could be worked from socal. I also sent him a listing that was what I was looking for so he had something to go off. The only thing he sent my way was for the wireless module engineer role. I told him it wasn't exactly relevant, but applied anyway and asked him again to let me know if there was anything else more similar to the previous role I sent him. At this point I just applied to other norcal roles, and if I get a phone screening will just ask that recruiter about the possibility of working in socal.

Apple stand🆙️ Jun 27, 2022

Dm, i interviewed for this role .

Northrop Grumman choyle OP Jun 27, 2022
