Tech IndustryJul 28, 2019

Average code monkeys will be replaced by AI This particular software won’t do it, at least not now. But when do you think it will happen?

This AI-powered autocompletion software is Gmail's Smart Compose for coders
This AI-powered autocompletion software is Gmail's Smart Compose for coders
The Verge
ICU Medical user3.0 Jul 28, 2019

I don't know much about coding but I don't have to. I believe there's lots of mundane work that will be replaced by AI that will allow people to focus on higher level thinking.

DMFs01 Jul 28, 2019


LinkedIn cd- Jul 28, 2019

We already have an “AI” that replaced the average code monkey. It’s called the compiler.

faangdream Jul 28, 2019

^ this

Google iamhal Jul 28, 2019

I'm excited to see what AGI will bring us. It'll be as big of a shift as the gig economy we see today.

Amazon OMwD10 Jul 28, 2019

It’s just a fancy auto complete, maybe better in some scenarios and probably worse than a static list most of the time. We are no where near AI generated, functional, working code. Anyone who thinks AI will write code for us never wrote any serious piece of software — Naval Rivakant said something like that.

Microsoft NFca01 Jul 28, 2019

The OP definitely is a person who has no understanding of code and its intricacies, also has no understanding of product as he/she/other quickly jumped to conclusions without diving deep in what the product does and jumped on AI can do everything bandwagon. Congrats you qualify for PM role. - Sincerely someone higher TC than OP.

Netflix netube OP Jul 28, 2019

Jesus kids these days can’t read. Let me help you: I didn’t jump to any conclusion, the post is simply a question. The answer to my question could be now or never. While you clearly jumped to some conclusions. Good job having good TC. I never said my tc is good or bad, but I’m happy for you! 🍺 I don’t know you and I don’t think there’s need to argue. Period.

HBO Grunt_ Jul 28, 2019

Not in the next 10 years, but probably at some point.