Amount to FIRE

Given your own personal circumstances, spend, and comfort with uncertainty, at what net worth would you feel comfortable pulling the trigger and retiring early? Feel free to explain your answer in the comments.

848 Participants
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Cruise rhombuz Mar 10


Google QGmL20 OP Mar 10

That's very specific! You have clearly thought about it?

Cruise rhombuz Mar 10

Yep, for a few years. I have a spreadsheet with lots of spend history and future projections, asset allocation with historic performance etc

Uber ahop Mar 10

$10M minimum

Google QGmL20 OP Mar 10


Google zOKe30 Mar 10

No, just delusional. Even in the most high cost areas of the US you can retire with less then $4M easily. If you think you need over $200k/yr in retirement you’re better off just taking an easy part time job that pays for half your needs.

Morgan Stanley mahi-mahi Mar 10

I’m doing a scaled FIRE. I can do it on 1mm based on my spend, but would prefer a nicer lifestyle. However, now that I’m past that, my tolerance for employer bullshit is 0 - it’s incredibly liberating and ironically enough has made me progress faster in my career.

Amazon vbcy4R Mar 10

Scaled version sounds good

EpFj34 Mar 13

Same here, I am free to do what I want and have my own opinion. In 3 years, if the world doesn’t end I will be able to FIRE but I got more TC recently. I can milk the cow more.

Persistent Systems GreenMobi Mar 10

Op - Fire is overrated. You will get bored. Been there, done that.

Amazon hoahbfl Mar 10

How long did it take for you to be fire-bored? Did you return to the 9-5?

Grab tQRO36 Mar 10

can you elaborate a bit more?

T-Mobile Heythere63 Mar 10

Coast Fire is the way. Once I hit 1.5m liquid in the next 2 years I can work just for expenses while investments grow for 25+ years

Meta wellydog Mar 10

Good idea!!

Amazon hoahbfl Mar 10

Do you guys think about leaving generational wealth for your heirs when you compute your FIRE number?

T-Mobile Heythere63 Mar 10

Hello no. If they are able bodied and not mentally disabled they can make their own money

Google QGmL20 OP Mar 10

No. I'm planning to cover college, but beyond that, I would rather give my kids my time while I am still alive.

Microsoft Cudg53 Mar 10

If don’t plan to have children, what amount seems proper to FIRE

T-Mobile Heythere63 Mar 10

Tree Fiddy

Bloomberg lewd_coat Mar 10

5m + paid off house FI is essential while RE is optional

Cisco moye_moye_ Mar 10

I was ready but then I discovered first class travel and luxury hotels. So 😇

T-Mobile Heythere63 Mar 10

How much is your yearly spend on luxury travel?

Cisco moye_moye_ Mar 10

About 100k

Qualcomm SnpDragoon Mar 10

I could FIRE on 3M but have about 3x that. I like working, and I hope to be lucky to stay a SWE until the day I die

T-Mobile Heythere63 Mar 10
