Tech IndustryJan 24, 2020

github rejection

dang i didn't realize I'd be this buthurt. ( guess i wanted this one more than other crap out there) nice automatic rejection letter though.

porcela Jan 24, 2020

Role ? How was the interview ?

Autodesk kutz OP Jan 24, 2020

Senior Engineering Manager,  resume was rejected

Indeed sJU1DGd6 Jan 24, 2020

Oh that’s like barely a rejection then! Do some networking, get and intro and referral. A resume reject for a job at a popular company is totally meaningless.

Groupon mookaloop Jan 24, 2020

That's not a real rejection. Just network and get a real in with someone who works there.

GitHub (+) Jan 24, 2020

Why not apply to Microsoft? They're becoming more and more similar :)

Microsoft f83hdIdhde Jan 24, 2020

Still both are different. Microsoft, LinkedIn and Github treat candidates within as external hire.

Amazon xHIO72 Sep 10, 2020

Is it still true? So if I am in Microsoft and after few years I want to go to Github for 100% remote then I need to have whole interview process?