Tech IndustryOct 1, 2020

How to build a network? Please help...

I know beyond a certain level I can no longer brute force my way through my career. I'm trying to expand my network among FAANGers but I have failed. Please help. Here's what I've tried, all failed. - Lots of people use alumni connection. That doesn't really work for me as I don't have a CS degree and shared experiences only go so far. - My network is mostly people outside tech because of my educational background. I'm the only person in my peer group that made it to a top tech company. - Other people look at ex colleagues for network. This is all nice but most of my org are rest and vesters and MSFT for life. There are hungry younger folks but are unlikely to move before I do. - Unlike all those affinity groups like women only or certain race only I don't belong to any one of them. Somehow a non CS dude is a minority and nobody gives a fuck about me. - MSFT has this networking program for college hires but not open to industry hires like me. So much for inclusion. - Fuck this I feel really depressed. I can't name a single person who would know me in any of the FAANG companies. I know all you FAANGers have friends working in other FAANG company. - Before covid I would go to various tech events. Unfortunately there are very few FAANG people present. TBH most are filled with boot camp people. Am I fucked? Please help. Oh yeah L61, $180k with 4 yoe. Just started at Microsoft less than a year ago. #tc #faang

Basecamp jobdelayed Oct 1, 2020

You're approaching it the wrong way. Do you have a side hustle apart from your day job? How do you network at events? Do you ever give talks on topics you work with? All these are great ways to meet new people. Stop looking for FAANG connections if you want to stay at Microsoft for life. I don't understand the point of having such friends if you're happy with the work you're doing at MS. Also, if you desperately want it, be a nice human. Be helpful to folks and they will remember you. These connections will in turn, connect you to FAANG folks :)

Microsoft apore OP Oct 2, 2020

You're missing the point, I don't want to stay at Microsoft forever so I'm trying to build up my FAANG network.

Zendesk ksidksmm Oct 1, 2020

Why do you need to network with FAANGers? I know no one in FAANG but never had a hard time getting an interview when I wanted one.

Microsoft apore OP Oct 2, 2020

Because I don't have the inside scoop into what's going at FAANG...