CompensationMay 30, 2019

offer eval Cruise Automation

Hi, got a verbal offer from Cruise for Senior Software Engineer (infra team). Base: 215k cash bonus: 65 RSU: 270k / 4 Sign on: 10k TC: 347 (excl sign on) YoE: 6/7 thoughts on this one?

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Salesforce Usbj01 May 30, 2019

Not knowing a ton abt cruise stocks seem pretty low. They seem like public company stocks

LG lzml May 30, 2019

I think it's basically GM stock

Cruise Automation OEai36 May 31, 2019

Incorrect, Cruise has private RSUs. We usually make cash heavy offers though.

Amazon hodor!! May 30, 2019

Good job on the offer! You just added cash bonus & sign on as-is to form the TC? I'd divide by 3 or 4 so as to normalize across years

AutoBot🚘 May 30, 2019

How's is bonus structure at Cruise?

hellllooo May 30, 2019

Divide bonus by 2 in your head unless you're sure you'll actually get it all especially if it's tied to any kind of revenue/profit which seems unlikely at Cruise.

Cruise Automation brawndo May 30, 2019

It’s not. You get it as long you are not on pip

Cruise Automation brawndo May 30, 2019

Rsu could be higher. Sign on could be waay higher. I would anchor at 50 if you have other competing offers

SAP johndoe OP May 30, 2019

thinking a 15% TC bump would make me feel happy, will probably shoot for that.

Cruise Automation OEai36 May 31, 2019

We don't give signons that high. 10-20k is usually max for senior.

Uber lock_up May 30, 2019

Like others said, stocks are very low. Try to negotiate for 500k+ with competing offers.

SAP johndoe OP May 30, 2019

500k stock? you sure thats possible for 6yoe? never read of any number like that especially considering that they typically pay 50/50 stock/bonus

Uber lock_up May 30, 2019

You’d get that and more for E5 level offers at FANG, Uber, Lyft, Airbnb etc. Your base suggests that. But even for E4, you should be able to negotiate more equity. Risk vs reward doesn’t really play out well with 250k over 4 years. You will be much better off at a public company. Why do you want to go through the churn and uncertainty if you’re not having any huge upside potential?

Cruise Automation Tc350_4yoe May 30, 2019

Not bad. But you definitely can get more

Cruise Automation OEai36 May 31, 2019

I wouldn't say definitely, depends how much hiring manager wants you.

Cruise Automation hfkksp4638 Aug 16, 2019

Good offer. It's on higher end of the band

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