Tech IndustryJun 3, 2023

Meta CW Phone Call

Hi, so I've been on the job hunt for about 9 months now. I got my MSc in computational linguistics (mainly worked on speech recognition and sentiment analysis/NLP). My only interview was for a small (less than 200 employees on LinkedIn) generative AI company. Being a new grad, I was told I'd be on the lower end of their 125K-250K salary range. I would have been very okay with that. I've had no interviews since, so I'm not opposed to contract or temp work. Anyway, I got an InMail from a recruiter to call for a Meta data labeling analyst job. I've applied to basically anything that says data, but usually data analyst or data scientist (the interview with the AI company was for a junior data scientist position). Some of the data labeling jobs pay $13-$30. I wouldn't mind the one that pays $30 for something temporary. The thing is, she didn't really say which level/type of labeling analyst the job is for. I saw one for data labeling analyst V that pays $53 that I'd love to be considered for (it deals with language models and generative AI feedback). How would I handle things if it's not really the pay/role I'd consider? I haven't had any interviews since December, so I can't say I'm super familiar with the phone screen process. Thanks for any advice. TC: 15K + $29/month food stamps (down from $281 during the pandemic boost).

Conviva Namaste ๐Ÿ™ Jun 3, 2023

The simplest way to find out is to ask the recruiter directly. And if it's not what you are considering then walk away from the conversation.

Meta PM papi Jun 4, 2023

Just ask the recruiter for the pay rate, CW recruiters have a very black and white number. They know what meta has allocated To them

Meta rndnxsna Jun 4, 2023

Data labeling / quality analyst is easy. You'll be doing some manual work in excel and have the chance to write some sql queries. Good job to coast and learn to automate basic data reporting

LADHS wugtheory OP Jun 4, 2023

Two of the data labeling positions caught my eye. One that mentioned linguistics and paid the $30/hr and another for labeling analyst V that paid $53-$73. That one seems to ask for an advanced degree and familiarity with large language models. I worked with Google BERT as part of my thesis/project, so just a transformer/different language model so I'm not sure I'd be 100% qualified, but for temporary work I'd love that pay ๐Ÿ˜…

Meta rndnxsna Jun 4, 2023

Do you know what org it's for? Generally, most of these labeling analysts just look at errors from labelers and how to improve them on a cadence usually weekly

Meta sjchwidnf Jun 4, 2023

I know finding roles seems hard, especially right out of college. But remember that you have a lot of value with your background and brain. So donโ€™t jump onto a job just for the sake of having a job. The right role will come up at some point, even if you have to wait a few more months. This is my 2 cents at least, but maybe Iโ€™m just a lucky person in my career idk

LADHS wugtheory OP Jun 4, 2023

I really wouldn't mind settling for the $30/hr version I've seen for the role. The analyst V that pays $50ish would be awesome even if it only says a 3 month contract. I need more relevant experience. I tried applying for some data roles at Meta with a referral since I interviewed for the jr data scientist role, but I was rejected the next business day for the three roles I tried out for ๐Ÿ˜…

Meta twothirty Jun 11, 2023

Take the CW job and do not wait for the "perfect one" bc it doesn't exist. You'll make tons of meaningful connections as a CW if you network which will bring new opportunities. Never, ever settle but also be smart about what your options currently are. The market is slow and it sounds like you'd be happy with one of the CW jobs so go for it! If it turns out to be not what you want, keep looking while having a job. It's much less stressful mentally with this approach. Good luck๐Ÿ˜Š

LADHS wugtheory OP Jun 11, 2023

I had the call and it was for $23 max. I couldn't go ahead with that. The least that I really wanted to settle for was $30/hr. The recruiter said they would keep me in mind for slightly higher positions but who knows. I thought I had on my Meta CW profile that $30 was the minimum I was looking for, but I don't know if this recruiter found me on LinkedIn or from Meta CW. I basically apply to the same roles on both, but don't always see the same ones even with the same titles and such. I get a little confused. I know, the Meta contract worker that I follow on LinkedIn had all kinds of people from Meta (managers even) wishing her well on getting into my grad program. I think getting in as a CW might eventually allow me to pivot to other roles since I figure only people in my field really know how well-known/popular my grad program is ๐Ÿ˜…

Meta twothirty Jun 12, 2023

Yikes! Yea that's too low. They are taking advantage of the market right now. You tried negotiating? I always atleast give them a chance to go back and get more. Another pro tip I found out that worked is, if you are on a spouse/partner's health insurance, then you can negotiate a little higher pay hourly sometimes if you tell them you do not need any health benefits, which is usually offered through CW agency/Magnit/Prounlimited..