Bitgo equity unit share price?

Hello - just wondering if anyone knows what the price is of a single share of equity unit that bitgo offers in the offer? I have an offer and trying to see what the equity might increase to. Current TC 340k, YoE: 12. Working at one of the faangs (not amazon) #bitgo #coinbase #bitcoin #fireblocks #anchorage #custody #crypto #coldstorage

Twilio tEiY31 May 18

ask recruiter

Amazon 42043ver OP May 19

Yes, I did ask recruiter - they are biased to say one price that was instructed to them to say. (five dollars, which is latest evaluation price, too low)

Plaid Aje/ May 18

Do you have an offer?

Amazon 42043ver OP May 19

Yes, I do have an offer just like the question describes I have.

Plaid Aje/ May 19

What’s the offer?