Tech IndustryJul 27, 2022

Truveta culture and comp?

Recruiter reached out for initial screen. Seems like a lot of Msft/Amazon senior folks moved there. Health care is a good space but no clue about market conditions. Is it worth the time to pursue? How’s the company and culture? How’s the interview process? TC comparable with other big tech ? Yoe - 3 Blind Tax - 220k

Snap TwElon Jul 27, 2022

Ask Terry

Synopsys BLl1Ip Aug 3, 2022

Any update? Are they scooping up current and ex MSFT employees?

Amazon rgbyy Jan 2, 2023

Did you find any information on them? If so, can you share it?

Microsoft rHeJi8439 Jan 2, 2023

Got the offer but didn’t take it.. I like their product idea but the current economic conditions may put pressure on them.. They give high base. Like 280k+ (may be 300k possible) for principal.. I think they have valuation round coming up this quarter.. That determines their option worth.. interesting to observe..

Amazon rgbyy Jan 2, 2023

Thanks for the response. How was the interview standard? Is it LC medium? Or hard?