Tech IndustryApr 7, 2021

Sometimes I feel like upgrading my "tier" but then...

Then I think... If I were a basketball player, would I want to win the NBA or rather play with the team that goes to the best hotels? Smh Btw, everyday I wonder how incompetent people are and how bad stuff runs inside Amazon. And when I see that the company keeps beating other companies left and right I wonder wtf are people doing in those other places?

Amazon Just Passed a Major Milestone in the Digital Advertising Market | The Motley Fool
Amazon Just Passed a Major Milestone in the Digital Advertising Market | The Motley Fool
The Motley Fool
Walmart AFamilyMan Apr 7, 2021

There is a Price’s law which suggests most of the productive work is done by square root of total employees. It applies to almost all organizations.