Google cloud trace- too good to be true?

Was looking up trace options and was interested in grafana cloud tempo. Was interested in the idea of a tracing solution so cheap I could turn off sampling, and 0.50/gb seemed like it might work out. The trade off of not being able to explore/search up traces seems reasonable. However I was looking at alternatives and gcp trace is 20c/million spans!? If my spans average 400b or more, Google is cheaper than grafana and they have search. How is that even possible?! Am I missing something? #engineering

Google corona 🦠 Nov 18, 2022

No you are not missing anything.

Grafana Labs divyg Jan 4, 2023

Few quick notes: - Grafana Cloud Traces pricing will be on par with Google Cloud Traces when span size is 400 bytes. If span size is lower, Grafana Cloud Traces will be cheaper and conversely, if span size is higher, Google Cloud Traces will be cheaper. - Grafana Cloud Traces does have search based on span attributes and is expected to launch traceql which should expand on the capability.