
Are you using any coding AI assistant ?

I have recently seen many companies launching their own Code AI assistant like Github Co-pilot, Sourcegraph Cody, Overflow AI by Stack Overflow and many more. Most of them have similar features like code completion, codebase context answers etc. Most of the companies have their features in beta except Sourcegraph Cody which I have been trying out for a while and it looks promising. What are your views on this? Are you using any of them or do you think of using an AI coding assistant for your work? #engineering #software #swe #ai #gpt

Zillow Group 🍚 rice 🍚 Jul 29, 2023

I use copilot and I'm not very impressed.

NVGd77 OP Jul 29, 2023

Actually, I have heard from many people that its code completion is not that helpful. Using Cody completion recently, it produces good results but it also still needs improvement.

Zillow Group 🍚 rice 🍚 Jul 29, 2023

Yeah it's occasionally got a useful suggestion but otherwise it's useless. I only use it because work pays for it. Would never do so on my own

Amazon smEL48 Jul 29, 2023

I use chatGPT 4 and it’s pretty useful. Tried codewhisperer and copilot but I’m not sure how helpful they actually are

NVGd77 OP Jul 29, 2023

For which tasks you use GPT-4? Initially, I was also using it for writing some short code or tests but now I have moved to using Cody.

Adobe aslidon Jul 29, 2023

Yes chatgpt for writing tests

NVGd77 OP Jul 29, 2023

Awesome! Just unit tests or integration tests too?

Adobe aslidon Jul 29, 2023


Capital One Zw8dc9 Jul 29, 2023

I use ChatGPT to generate test data or give me a starting point for something I have zero background in (front end for example)

NVGd77 OP Jul 29, 2023

I started using ChatGPT the same way initially, but now using Cody for a while.