Misc.Oct 4, 2022

Jordan Peterson’s “A Conservative Manifesto” Is Not Conservative | Merion West

https://merionwest.com/2022/10/04/jordan-petersons-a-conservative-manifesto-is-not-conservative/ Peterson’s brand of conservatism reflects almost none of the aspects of the conservative worldview, generally defined by Mannheim as “concreteness, particularity, vitalism, hierarchy, historicity, and collective consciousness,” nor in the specific context delineated by Grant, what Hazony has called the Anglo-American tradition. Instead, we have vague handwaving at “values” and “eternal verities,” stripped of all particularity and, hence, lacking applicability. Further complicating matters, Peterson employs a dense, academic, and wordy form of expression to put forward his arguments, which is ironic given his own strong criticisms of post-modern thinkers for doing the same. One of the hallmarks of a serious philosopher is his ability to express his ideas clearly: Aristotle did this, as did Thomas Aquinas. More recently, Leo Strauss, for all of his philosophical faults, was a clear and lucid writer. Roger Scruton and Yoram Hazony have similarly written in ways that are a joy to read. Complexity does not automatically mean sophistication. Sometimes, it just signifies confusion, as demonstrated by Peterson’s conservative principles.

Jordan Peterson’s “A Conservative Manifesto” Is Not Conservative | Merion West
Jordan Peterson’s “A Conservative Manifesto” Is Not Conservative | Merion West
Merion West
Meta qjkylxz Oct 4, 2022

I used to like Peterson in the past especially his opinions on intersectionality, and his 12 rules for life book was simple but good. But lately he’s gone off the rails and has become bitter and authoritarian. I can’t even bare to watch his stuff anymore.

Upwork So?And?K! OP Oct 4, 2022

Similar here. Liked him first time he was on Rogan but since then he’s turned into another snake oil guy. Now he’s crying about the *ncel community?! What happened to “clean your room” and the focus on personal responsibility?

BlueHalo larpmaster Oct 4, 2022

The xans changed him ever since he joined the xanarchy and had to go to Russian rehab

Salesforce CGeI82 Oct 4, 2022

Yeah, JP is high in his own supply. He hides his vacuous nature with a bunch of trite advice, edgy nonsense, and pseudo science that keeps the rubes nodding their heads. The dude is either a hack or a con.

Apple terabaap! Oct 4, 2022

This is more of misunderstood criticism of Peterson than anything else. His ideas are based very heavily in judeo christian beliefs and he backs them up with his years of study in psychology and evolutionary biology. His manner of communication and speaking is precise and condensed. I have a degree in Math and I've read a fair bit of academic literature in Mathematics and Peterson is not at all hard to read. He is so easy the criticism primarily comes from a place of not following the full depth of his ideas ( he elaborates his arguments in length quite exhaustively tbh )

IBM ymDp24 Oct 4, 2022

Love to see a fellow desi who likes JP

Salesforce CGeI82 Oct 4, 2022

The dude literally claims you can't quit smoking without divine intervention. He and science are losely acquainted at best.

Microsoft Good Deal™ Oct 4, 2022

On the one hand we have an article that attempts to denigrate Jordan because his style differs from some well known philosophers. Then we have a post accusing stylistically again that Jordan has become bitter. Hrm.. No analysis though of the meanings of what he’s actually written. Modern liberal hit job. Check.

Microsoft Good Deal™ Oct 4, 2022

I searched for “Jordan Peterson recent” on the YouTube’s and picked the first vid, that happened to be from 6 days ago. It’s with non other that Piers Morgan who states that those who are against him seem to either take tiny clips out of context or are told what to think of him by others. Lots of stuff that doesn’t seem to jive with OP. https://youtu.be/lpnvGA-wJIE

Salesforce CGeI82 Oct 4, 2022

Lol, the dude working for Rupert murdoch and running a show that's main focus is feeding outrage junkies? That dude came to jp's defense? Noooooo, so shocking. That's like if someone was surprised that msnbc's Rachel maddow made a jibe at trump or the gop.

Microsoft Good Deal™ Oct 4, 2022

I didn’t realize he worked for Murdoch. Didn’t he also work for CNN?

FSXT24 Oct 4, 2022

Why is Peterson still a thing in 2022? He shouldn't have been popular in the first place but he's been relevant for way too long.

Microsoft Good Deal™ Oct 5, 2022

He got popular merely for being a freedom of speech advocate in response to some Canadian government cultural legislation. That was his “crime”. He epitomized what most conservatives believe, namely that freedom of speech is fundamentally imperative in order to have a healthy, more functional and less-corrupt society. Turns out that is a popular concept. The left blew up at this “contrarian” view and made him what he is today. He’s still relevant, because the left still hates him?

FSXT24 Oct 5, 2022

Bro, shit wasn't about freedom of speech. Bill C16 only added gender identity to the protected class of people and ZERO people have gone to jail for misgendering anyone in Canada since the bill has been passed. And we know now that he was transphobe all along by his "breast cut off by criminal physician". Just putting on an intellectual patina over bigotry doesn't make him a contrarian, it just makes you a bigot

aMPW47 Oct 4, 2022

Merion West A post-modernist liberalist hell-hole Not a single click, sorry

Microsoft imsoe Oct 4, 2022

He makes bizarre claims with faux academic arguments. Sometimes, he invokes mysticism to explain scientific phenomena. He is just a supporting character in the Daily Wire extended cinematic universe and should not be taken seriously.

Microsoft Good Deal™ Oct 5, 2022

Wow. You are able to quote tiny bits and blow them up out of context. Way to be honest with your bad self.

Lucid Motors alt-thanos Oct 5, 2022

It takes certain level of intelligence, exposure to wide variety of literature, ability to follow complex thoughts, and willingness to change one's beliefs - to truly understand the arguments put forth by JP. People love to jump to conclusions without thinking much, and take extreme sides at the first chance they get. JP's talks are obviously going to tire such individuals out quickly, and he will become 'hack' etc. I don't agree with his opinions on everything, but in general he puts up logically solid arguments with plenty of data and research to back it up. I haven't really seen any solid counter argument that is as rich and strong. And one thing is for sure - nature is the most powerful thing you're gonna encounter in your life, and the more lessons you take from it, the better it will be for yourself. Fight it all you want - you're gonna lose in the long run for sure. He knows it quite well and that's why he relies on it quite heavily.

Salesforce CGeI82 Oct 5, 2022

Yeah. No. His research is iffy at best. Actual evolutionary biologists have pointed out the gaps, inaccuracies, and flaws in the famous lobster argument. Regarding nature, he cherry picks the hell out of data. Rape and murder occur in nature all the time. If whats natural is 'good' I guess jp is also advocating for those. There are also examples of cooperative social organizations in nature, but jp skips past those. Even his maps of meaning drivel has fundamental research flaws. His whole reading of marduk is flawed at best and his own sources disagree with him on everything from babylonian myth to how to deal with the 'underworld'.. Jp is the dumb person's smart person. Any critical reading of his work or validation of his logic or sources reveals that his work is a jumbled mess of pablum and 'dear God I hope they don't check my sources' baseless assertions.

Lucid Motors alt-thanos Oct 5, 2022

I don't think he takes a solid stand in terms of nature being 'good' or 'bad'. That's one of the most widely misunderstood aspects of his arguments. His interest is in evaluating the roots for certain behaviors in human society that are labelled as 'bad' or 'undesired' by some prominent individuals. The very fact that there is almost no human society in present or known history that functioned well with complete lack of hierarchy at all levels prove that the cooperative social organization can't work for humans. Sure it may be the best for some biological entities but not for us. And it's not too hard to understand why - you just need to start constructing a human society with no hierarchy and see how every logical and data driven path leads you to anarchy within that system. I don't have a lot of exposure to all of JP's work so I can't make any generalized comment with a lot of confidence, and you might be right to some extent about flaws in his research etc. but from the topics that I have listened his and others' arguments on - I can definitely say that what he is trying to convey is something of a very high intrinsic value. And it's of crucial importance that those underlying messages are understood by majority of people, so that we can stop going down the path of self destruction that we're on for some time now.

Lucid zWlT80 Nov 21, 2022

I could never get interested JP's stuff. I'm just not that into gender studies I guess