Gaming IndustryDec 7, 2021

Best Neo-Boomer Shooter?

What's everyone's favorite out of the big wave of recent neo-retro FPS games? Personally I loved Dusk for how it stayed true to what made the classics good but made some smart modernizations to get rid of most of the annoying mechanics and bullshit level design many of the old FPSs it draws influence from had. Thought Ion Fury was 10/10 on a technical level with how far the devs managed to push the ancient Build engine and stay exactly true to the feel of the classic Build shooters like Duke3D and Blood but had a lot of issues with artificial difficulty from over-reliance on lazy design like dumping you in the middle of a giant killbox room surrounded by a million spongy hitscan enemies that all have the high ground, being too stingy with health and ammo unless you obsessively secret-hunt and not having enough cues for the way forward in a lot of levels. #fps #pcgaming #retro

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