Tech IndustryOct 26, 2020

Top tech to mid-tier MCOL company for WLB

TL;DR - Title. Currently, I’m a senior SWE with Apple (Not IS&T) joined about 1.5 years ago, good and smart teammates, decent ratings, never have been on any performance plan despite pressure from manager. But there’s way too much friction with the manager and growth opportunities far off, I’m afraid of my position here for the future. (Worst manager ever, no use to the team and the company, pathetic boomer!) My manager made sure I got the minimum bonus and no refresher despite good peer ratings. Terrible WLB (70-80 hours consistently throughout my time here). Extremely burnt out, no motivation, energy to interview with top tech again and not able to carve off some time to LC. Not hopeful about switching teams within Apple, as I’m certain the current manager might foulmouth, he has done this before as a matter of fact with few others in the team. Fortunately, interviewed recently with some startups and non LC focused companies on a whim, and secured a Lead Role with one East coast based company and one other decent startup(in a nice MCOL city!!). I’m planning to accept one of them very soon, with a 50% pay cut, all of them are in the same ball park. Not so great tech stack, but will give me a chance to sharpen my existing skills and set me up for success (I think) to move to management (hoping no politics or politics working out). Most importantly I get to recover by having better wlb and getting a handle on my mental and physical health. The new job will still be about 40-45 hours but that’s a total relief from what I’m averaging atm. Is this a stupid move from career POV?  Most important things to note: I have onsites with a couple of top prop trading firms (one of them is among Voleon, TGS, Millennium.) And atleast about a dozen other companies are in pipeline at phone screen and onsite stages, most of them with FAANGMULA. Badly prepared, I don’t want to interview and exhaust options as I already did with a few others. I’d rather take a break to chill out a bit and then reapply after a couple of years. I’m really afraid if I will ever be able to reinterview with such top companies again once I move out of FANG to a less prestigious company. Personally, I’m very motivated and would not settle for anything less than facebook or google, but totally burnt out to the core at the moment. TC DOES matter to me, but it's mostly unachievable for me atm. Definitely not LCing in this market! Please help! Current TC: 360 K (Bay area) New TCs: 180 - 220 K (MCOL)

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Microsoft ghnccdrh Oct 26, 2020

What's your YOE?

Red Hat C. Leclerc Oct 26, 2020


Intesa Sanpaolo JNes01 Nov 26, 2020

If you can get the top trading job, do that. Good work Life balance and great comp

Tanium sANx51 Jun 21, 2021

What did you do OP? How did it work out?