
How old were you when your individual NW hit $1M? And then how long to hit $2M?

I was 26, which was 3 years ago when I was making around 250K/yr. Selfmade-ish..my parents paid for my college tuition which helped a ton so I'm not going to pretend I did it all alone. Since then my NW has only grown to $1.25M due to investments across the board tanking. Curious how long it took others to hit $2M from $1M given the saying "first million is the hardest" If you're married, your individual NW number should be whatever you would keep if you were to hypothetically get a divorce. TC 300K

Meta TC/GTFO! Mar 4, 2023

NW has been doubling approximately every 2 years

Uber darakk OP Mar 4, 2023

From $1M? how long ago was this

Meta PrYF37 Mar 4, 2023

In the bull market right

Salesforce ugTi12 Mar 4, 2023

30 -600k

Uber darakk OP Mar 4, 2023

did you hit $2M and how long did it take you

Salesforce ugTi12 Mar 4, 2023

😂 -600K dude. Hit 1M and bought a house

Salesforce D4v3B Mar 4, 2023

Nitpick: Having your college tuition paid for is not even close to self-made then. Actually, I kind of dislike the usage of that phrase in general. Unless you were an orphan who grew up alone in the wilderness, no one is self-made and the phrase only serves to humble-brag. That said, I was 29 when I hit 1 mil.

Zoox xkak1m Mar 4, 2023

Self-made here brother. Don't be so cranky and let people celebrate their successes

Salesforce D4v3B Mar 4, 2023

For the record, I'm not against people celebrating themselves. But bragging about being self-made ignores the people that did play a part in your life.

Microsoft drscott2 Mar 4, 2023

Having your college paid for is literally the opposite of self made

Uber darakk OP Mar 4, 2023


T-Mobile 🥜 126k TC Mar 5, 2023

If the government starts providing free college education does that mean no one will be self made?

Pinterest DaHotSauce Mar 4, 2023

Took me a while to get to first 1m. 35 to 1m. 38 to 2m. 40 to 5m. 90% in tbills/cash. No debt. Self made (worked 3 simultaneous jobs in college and still came out with student loan balance). Worked 90+ hour weeks first 10 years in my career. It has been truly risk vs reward and stacks of humbling experiences one after another. I made some smart & prestigious decisions that led to not much money and some irrationally imprudent decisions that turned out to be great money makers. Looking back, there were at least 3 real life chances that I didn’t take because I was being too rational & shortsighted that would have led me to $50m+ plus NW status today. One chance actually would have a been B status. Such is life!

ASML RBW 🇺🇸 Mar 4, 2023

You should start educating people how to grow wealth so fast

Pinterest DaHotSauce Mar 4, 2023

Layered bets on investment & career. Never be just a wage earning employee only. Don’t be too greedy in the markets. Don’t be a lemming (almost everyone is). Really understand opportunity cost of time.

LinkedIn /-/@ç/<£r Mar 4, 2023

Not yet

Amazon codMw2 Mar 4, 2023

How tf do you get 1M NW at 26 with $250k TC??

Capital One Uotw73 Mar 4, 2023

Parents gift you 1M house 🤣

Uber darakk OP Mar 4, 2023

Yeah, cumulatively earned probably ~600k post-tax by 26. I saved a lot, didn't spend much, and invested heavily. most of my investments grew well in the bull market.

❄️❄️❄️❄️ Mar 4, 2023

Hit 1M at 27, although not through tech. 2M was shortly after.

Jane Street Capital janetway Mar 4, 2023

How did you do it? Stock trading?

❄️❄️❄️❄️ Mar 4, 2023

I wrote a novel. Turned out to be a very profitable hobby.

Amazon TxBm87 Mar 4, 2023

Honest question, wasn’t your gross cumulative earnings less than $1M when you were 26?

❄️❄️❄️❄️ Mar 4, 2023

I assume there were gains involved in OP’s 1M.

Amazon TxBm87 Mar 4, 2023

Hot take

Microsoft random(18) Mar 4, 2023

43 and 45

Uber darakk OP Mar 5, 2023

sounds like on track for 4M+ by 50 then!

Microsoft random(18) Mar 5, 2023
