How do I prepare for a ~50% increase in salary in 9 months?

Currently L3 SWE at Google making $240K this year (would have been more but due to health reasons I couldn't deliver my best last year and got an MI rating). I have 2.5 YoE. I work on a product that has visibility every single year at Google I/O. My job isn't at risk and I'm aiming for a superb rating this year (definitely possible with my projects and Q1 performance so far) but I feel my compensation is a bit low. It wasn't low 2 years ago but it hasn't exactly increased like I would have wanted it to. I'm aiming for an L4 SWE position at another software company and want to ask about what my strategy should be and the theoretical max I can ask for. Can I land a $375K offer? What would the upper level of the L4 band be? I think it's worth targeting Snap, Roblox, Meta, Airbnb, Uber, and Netflix. On the HFT side I'm interested in Citadel's NXT program, Akuna Capital (Quantitative Developer), and Hudson River Trading (Algorithm Engineer). I had headhunters reach out to me for Citadel Commodities (bypassed online assessment) this year but I didn't follow through on the interview because I wasn't ready yet. What should my strategy be and how do I maximize negotiating and getting the best offer? Thanks in advance!

131 Participants
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Uber šŸ§Œ šŸ§Œ šŸ§Œ T Mar 30

You pregnant?

Google uXPO31 OP Mar 30

Oh, 9 months because we have 9 months left in the year.

ex-Adobe bxjdkkwn Mar 30

Snap l4 is easy. Know some friends making 400k l4 1 yoe

Meta computer3 Mar 30

I donā€™t see any postings for such low YoE though

ByteDance chuwywhsj Mar 30

Those days are over mate

PayPal ys63su Mar 30

First get the offer

Google uXPO31 OP Mar 30

I will. I'm very confident that I can get at least 3 offers if I prepare well and update my resume and references. But thank you for calling me out :P

Qualtrics Qultist Mar 30

Tough market for 2.5 YOE

Google uXPO31 OP Mar 30

Why? If I pass the interview and they are impressed why wouldn't they hire me?

Qualtrics Qultist Mar 30

That implies you can get to the interview. Most places are not hiring below senior and if they are, it is extremely competitive

Samsara H6zX5 Mar 30


Netflix jawbones Mar 30

Bro you're a baby

Pinterest pinpinpie Mar 30

You need L5 at google to make over 350k

Uber khgnmi Mar 30

It's tough man. We are giving 400k to new hire L5s while internal L4s are making close to 500k. šŸ„¹

Google uXPO31 OP Mar 30

Does Uber really pay $400K for E4s?

Uber khgnmi Mar 30

I wrote new hire L5s

Google googly_em Mar 30

Upleveling is totally possible which will increase your pay. I worked with a fang director in 2022 who helped me up level and get a good chunk of change. Happy to recommend him in DM

Google uXPO31 OP Mar 30

Yes please! Thank you so much!

Google googly_em Mar 30

Dm me