
Evaluate offers

Hi, I have these below offers. Can you suggest which one could be better (“adding your reasons would help in decision making if you something specific”) 1. Adobe level: L4 Base: 210 RSU: 250 Bonus: 60 Annual bonus: 15% Org: experience cloud 2. Apple Level: ICT4 Base: 200 RSU: 300 Bonus: 50 Annual bonus: 15% Con: manager is ex-Amazon :( Org: IS & T Tc: 250 Yoe: 7 Others not considering: 1. Thumbtack, Marqeta - (for both, did not feel the vibe and unsure of their growth personally) 2. stopped LinkedIn after phone (as their senior sounds like a downgrade) Main factors: 1. aged 30+ already and may not have that mental aptitude to continue being an IC after a point. So, I am looking at balanced WLB (have family) and a feasibility of EM transition in future. 2. Resume factor for future prospects 3. Refreshers 4. Internal move feasibility (in case I want to stay eternally :) ) 5. IS&T has a slight negative opinion from blinders. Worried about it too as the internal move in Apple appears like a total loop. 6. ESPP - Adobe has a 2yr locking, which is great if the stock continues growing

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Apple SbmU30 Aug 26, 2021

Apple IS&T has good as well as bad teams. Moving internally from IS&T is as hard as interviewing outside.

Cisco extrem Aug 26, 2021

I was in IS&T for more than 4 years .. not a good place . Lot of politics and very cunning people around .. you will lose ur peace of mind and might run into health issues .. better to avoid at all cost. I doubt if you will have a work life balance .. mostly you might have to manage or work with vendors ..

Amazon rollrcoast OP Aug 26, 2021

I see thanks, which orgs do you think are better. I see most job posting in retail these days on LinkedIn

Visa eoBh88 Aug 26, 2021

Is it 250k stocks per year? If not wouldnt it be similar to your current tc

Amazon rollrcoast OP Aug 26, 2021

Correct, slightly more. Let’s say I got mediocre rating this time and there is a scope for PIP gods to bless me next year.

Visa eoBh88 Aug 26, 2021

Yeah wlb would be good than amazon. Is it 60k joining bonus?

Qualtrics EngSerf Aug 26, 2021

Lol you're worried about mental aptitude at 30+? The sharpest engineers i have ever worked with were all over 50 dude, unless you've got early onset dementia or some shit you'd be fine as an IC till retirement provided you maintain a desire to keep learning.

Amazon rollrcoast OP Aug 26, 2021

I feel it’s a relative world and the youngsters are too good these days and if the job comes down to something where speed matters, I believe age is a factor to consider. There are already allegations that some of the FANGs have shown discrimination against age. Anyways, I am just trying to play safe.

Qualtrics EngSerf Aug 26, 2021

A fresh grad may be faster, but from what I've seen the more experienced folks are more efficient and better at recognizing edge cases etc so they end up producing fewer bugs and designing better systems. In the end id almost always prefer the more experienced candidate since speed is only 1 aspect to consider and I havent seen much of a speed difference let alone enough of one to make up for all the other benefits experience adds. Allegations can be made for anything, but if you keep learning and enjoying the IC work I wouldn't worry about it.

Google xGoNgIv Aug 26, 2021

Apple: - it’s hard to move between teams (your current manager gets informed *before* you talk to other managers). And after that you do interviews - WLB is a hit or miss. Mostly miss - IS & T works on bad tech problems with a bad tech stack, and usually bad management + brand name + good refreshers Adobe: - weaker brand name, but then again no one would discriminate your profile coz you went to Adobe - not everyone gets refreshers, generally lower amount too + almost always good WLB + not a cutthroat environment + great ESPP plan

Amazon rollrcoast OP Aug 26, 2021

This is great detail, thanks

Adobe fKz Aug 26, 2021

+1 to Google but will add one thing Experience Cloud is not the best org in adobe but not the worst either. They're having problems delivering a cohesive product/service and all our "successful" acquired tech (Magento, marketo) is a mess when it comes to integration. Having said that Adobe is banking on Experience Cloud a lot, one way or another the C-suite will invest in EC. Rising tide lifts all ships or whatever

Adobe mnUQ11 Aug 27, 2021

I make 25 yr in ESPP alone each year by maxing out my ESPP and not selling for 2yrs due to the awesome stock appreciation. I would add 25k to the total compensation just due to ESPP. Add two shut-downs and superb work culture, and then Apple does not even come into picture. Three people in my team, including me ditched Apple offer for Adobe. We also have people who ditched Fb, but we are in a very strong ORG and team, so we get annual refreshers..

Amazon rollrcoast OP Aug 27, 2021

Thanks, how does the refreshers work. I am looking at the case for a median engineers. Is it only for the best ones?

Microsoft BNoR24 Aug 28, 2021

Can you share what org you are in?

Adobe chusinut Aug 28, 2021

I took Adobe over LinkedIn. Loving it so far here.

Microsoft BNoR24 Aug 28, 2021

Which team specifically or may be which product directly/indirectly you work upon?