Tech IndustryDec 1, 2022

Is AI like GPTchat going to replace SWEs soon?

Within like a day of launching GPTchat it already feels like we’re extremely close to companies using AI to write code vs hiring engineers. Not to mention the economic climate makes this a very favorable environment for that. Thoughts?

Capital One x-0techbro Dec 1, 2022

Yep. We should all go back to school and learn how to farm and buy some cattle.

Asure Software rubberduct Dec 1, 2022

Don’t bother, new plant-based meta is going to decimate the meat industry.

Capital One x-0techbro Dec 1, 2022

My meat eats plants. Therefore, my meats are plant-based, too. Checkmate.

Boeing aeros Dec 1, 2022


Fintech Company bayshark Dec 1, 2022

Not even close

Amazon abcdefg125 Dec 1, 2022


Zoox jmz301 Dec 1, 2022


Microsoft tenzz Dec 1, 2022

Yes, Engineers will have to identify problems, train a bot and lease it to companies.

Indeed HlKi47 Dec 1, 2022

The thing I haven't heard is how writing a prompt detailing very specific business logic isn't just a further continuation of the development of more abstract languages. "If the player color is red, save a new widget to the database" isn't that far off syntactically from the actual code in Python. It just seems like the same moral panic that happened when C ate assembly, when Java ate C, etc etc. Our value add as engineers isn't in the syntax. It's in the decomposition of complex problems into manageable, describable problems. That's not going away until general intelligence is created.

Splunk sexe Dec 1, 2022

Still my teammates are busy creating slackbots

MatrixCare default777 Dec 1, 2022

GPTChat seems to be pretty good at taking a natural language prompt and turning it into a technical response, so maybe a few further iterations, then yes. But you won't get many responses acknowledging this.

Fintech Company bayshark Dec 1, 2022

Few more iterations? You have no idea what you're talking about

True Fit testingall Dec 1, 2022

i hope so