Getting SWE interviews with no SWE experience or CS degree

Is it possible? Asking for a friend. She’s learning independently using edX courses. Very smart has a bsc in math and bsc in finance. Currently in financial services switching to SWE. She can crack leet code easy and medium. What’s required for her to get an interview? Is referrals enough? Should she have some projects? #software #engineering #swe #Junior

Indeed indoob Oct 5, 2021

The tough thing is getting those interviews!!! If only she could go through university recruiting. That’s the easiest way to break into tech.

Google owqJ68 Oct 5, 2021

Possible. I had non CS eng degree, and got a SWE position (not at G).

Datadog wardenbuff OP Oct 5, 2021

Any insights on how to get interviews?

eBay teabay Oct 5, 2021

Referrals + companies that send out codesignal/hackerrank assessments to everyone that applies

JPMorgan Chase elkcamp Oct 5, 2021

Yes, I have the same degrees. I had a few projects on my resume. I also had a good LinkedIn account that encouraged recruiters to reach out to me. So projects and referrals both help a lot.

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Target Quantum SE Oct 5, 2021

Portfolio with relevant and unique projects, cold outreach to recruiters, hiring managers, senior engineers on LinkedIn(recommend free premium for a month), and a tailored resume for that job posting/company