
Looking for side hustle?

We are building the next generation of HRtech for recruiting using AI. We started as a recruitment firm, and built an AI tool for internal purposes. We are now building a suite of products and looking to ship. I’m fundraising stage, with an Alpha release out now. Looking for a technical product manager with a backend focus with LLM knowledge and experience. Open to interns or if you’ve been laid off and looking for a side hustle.

Autodesk CodeMobile Feb 16

Well I'm definitely not responding to any AI generated recruitment messages.

seadweller OP Feb 16

That’s actually not where the AI comes to play but I appreciate your input

Autodesk CodeMobile Feb 16

Good. I figured probably not. Just made me think of that. 😆

Microsoft boredddddd Feb 16

LinkedIn has already incorporated AI into recruitment. How is your product different?

seadweller OP Feb 16

Recruitment is a massive field and there are ton of solutions for each stage of the funnel. We focus on a different area of the funnel and there are many different ways to incorporate AI. As a recruitment firm, we solved our own problems and created a seamless end to end process. Would love to discuss more if you want to connect

Microsoft boredddddd Feb 16

Honestly, I have been looking for a side hustle for some time and this sounds intersting but I would like to know more. Let's connect over DMs.