Tech IndustryFeb 1, 2022

Best firms to use for Tier 1 practice

yup, which tech firms would you consider to be good for refining your interview aura? when your focus is on tier 1 and you would reject any tier 2 offers yes - i know - this means using firm time...surely firms have never done this to individuals...

Zillow Group LzzA40 Feb 1, 2022

Mock interviews are a better solution here, and you'll get more direct feedback.

Stylight KImM32 OP Feb 1, 2022

damn you are so right - any recommended sites who do this? i know there are such i just don't know which....

Goldman Sachs Asa_Akira Feb 1, 2022

I’d reject this post for not adding TC

not_e_wise Feb 1, 2022

How could you think of wasting a company’s time??? You would never hear a story about a company’s recruiters wasting a CANDIDATE’S time!