Tech IndustryMay 25, 2021

Director of software engineering salary

What does a Director of software engineering make at a tier 2 company? Like aura, hopper, citi, tinder, etc. Anyone know? I'm interviewing at a tier2 company for director of software engineering but I'm really not sure what to ask for in terms of comp

Google sjsj0 May 25, 2021

Only 2 of the names I've heard of and since when are citibank and tinder tier 2 companies ( citibank is even a bank...), tier 5 would be appropriate. Comp would and should be appropriately shit, maybe comparable to a high L4 ( mid senior) at Google

Tinder Batna May 25, 2021

Lol, no, we're paid maybe 1-1.5 levels down from equivalent FAANG role, with less difference at lower levels. Senior Managers here get mid-band L6 comp; Director would obviously be more.

Google sjsj0 May 25, 2021

Which DreamWorld do you live in? I know lots of senior level engineers being paid in the 100k range which is less than entry level at Google. Look at the comment right below this: 250k for director is pretty common for banks ( around median L4 salary at Google). And please read up what tier 2 means. Tier 2 belongs to Apple, Netflix etc, Uber, otherwise you really sound uninformed about the tech world.

Credit Karma intuCK May 25, 2021

What location? Makes a big difference.

Tinder Batna May 25, 2021

Can vary very widely. Depends pretty much entirely on company it is. I'd check to see if there are any data points for managers on and try to extrapolate from there. Could be anywhere from 250k (old school financial institutions in a LCOL area) to 600-700k+ (actual tech company).