
Like other brands Porsche dealers are adding huge markups. I recall european delivery has the prices fixed without rooms for nego, is it still the case? If yes is it actually a good option now?

Amazon habiber Aug 8, 2022

European delivery is still via a dealership’s order, I haven’t checked but you’d need to make some calls. Nothing is stopping them from taking a markup from you upfront

SoFi MxulZB Aug 8, 2022

Call all dealers in your area, I had to call 4 of them before I found a Mazda dealer who was selling at MSRP

Walmart pPvq65 Aug 8, 2022

VW Jetta is a good option.

Shopify hopify Aug 8, 2022

Lexus and acura in my area are the only ones who havent added any markup.......yet

Hubspot hoespot Aug 8, 2022

Yeah but Lexus is for retirees.

Apple ShaddamIV Aug 8, 2022

Both brands are totally undesirable

Indeed 😩hoooYea!! Aug 8, 2022

Theres small markups on allocations of 911 S and gts but the waitlist is 1.5 years long. The new 911 in inventory is stupid marked up at 30k. Hopefully the supply chain issue resolves so I’ll get mine before 30🙏

Microsoft 📎🤖🌎🌌☠️ Aug 8, 2022

1.5 years comes quick, a lot of these people on waitlists don’t come through when their name comes up.

Dell SWE@gym Aug 8, 2022

I am 29 and got a 911S. It was only 141 after all markups

Microsoft TooWoke4U Aug 8, 2022

Call all the shops. Negotiate and average down O(nlog$) Good luck

Microsoft 📎🤖🌎🌌☠️ Aug 8, 2022

What model and trim are you looking for OP?

Applied Material bIPF64 OP Aug 8, 2022


Microsoft 📎🤖🌎🌌☠️ Aug 8, 2022

Will probably have to work the phones quite a bit, but shouldn’t be hard to get on some waitlists with no markup. I’m assuming this is a 911 4S and not a Taycan.

WarnerMedia BigChungy Aug 8, 2022

At this point, I’d rather wait things out and get a preowned off Carmax.

Amazon iUVd64 Aug 8, 2022

Called my local Porsche for a GT4 RS: MSRP + $100k markup => Thanks but no thanks!

Indeed 😩hoooYea!! Aug 8, 2022

Lmaoo those were already sold out on announcements. Its the best cayman porsche will ever make. Probably gonna resale for a lot more in the future, like the 911 R.

Microsoft 📎🤖🌎🌌☠️ Aug 8, 2022

Anybody getting a GT car with no markup is going to be someone who has built a long relationship with the dealer. If you’re just calling them up, it’s going to be the biggest markup they think they can get. Sucks, but that’s what it is.

Microsoft pTgN63 Aug 9, 2022

Long time Porsche owner/enthusiast here... Buying at over MSRP is going to be a very poor financial decision in the long run. These cars depreciate. But if you really want the car and can afford the spend, it's the only way you are going to get one. Euro delivery has no impact on the price. The purchase is still through the dealer, not directly with Porsche. There are many shady dealers who are taking advantage of the current market condition. You should NEVER give any money to a dealer unless they have an allocation for you (with dates, build number, etc...) A lot of the dealers will promise an allocation that they don't have and take your money as a deposit. My advice is to wait until the market calms down. I bought a new 911 1.5 years ago and got an 8% discount all up. These are not limited production cars.

Twitch blahblhbl May 8, 2023

is the market better now