Stop asking which company is more prestigious

Wherever you may work, You're simply an entry in someone's database. They can delete this entry whenever they want. There's no prestige in working for someone. If you own a business then that's prestigious coz now you control the database ๐Ÿ˜Œ Who pays more is a better question

37 Participants
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Kaiser Permanente friendโ€™s Apr 20

Which company is more prestigious

Meta vILP18 Apr 20


Atlassian TCxnorGTFO Apr 20

What is the most prestigious way to ask someone to stop making posts about the prestige of companies?

Google zkYT75 Apr 20

No bullshit is prestigious .. After billion dollar if u have cancer u have to suffer ..

ex-Snap FightFears Apr 20

You can be a top dog in a company too. You just need to be top dog in your environment. Low status dogs in top environments donโ€™t get laid. Sad but true.