YOE for FAANG-Tier Senior SWE

Senior SWE: Meta E5, Amazon L6, Google L5, Netflix L5, Airbnb G9, Uber 5a, Snowflake IC3, Databricks L5 etc. Please share your OWN experiences in the poll. For simplicity, please convert PhD degree as 3YOE add-on. #software #swe #engineering

96 Participants
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Samsung quicktx Apr 13


Meta XpBs23 Apr 13

What’s the point of this?

Oracle LC_Master OP Apr 13

It tells me whether I am behind other people or not, and how much behind.

Reddit 1jdu7bs Apr 13

Micro benchmarking your career by 2-4 years gains you nothing but anxiety. Just try your best to be better than you were. Ain’t nothing all that special about the first 6 years of your career. You got 34 more years to do stuff.

Amazon yMjO20 Apr 13

What kind of dumb ass options are these

Rubrik tevir Apr 13

Not enough options.

Oracle LC_Master OP Apr 13

What else is needed?

ByteDance bc sutta Apr 13

Do the YOEs have to be contiguous? Like, if I have 6 YOE across 3 companies, would companies still consider me for Senior? Or does that look too junior?

Oracle LC_Master OP Apr 13

Should be accumulated

LinkedIn Sensei 🥷🏻✨ Apr 13

There’s a demographic swing as well. In India, you are looking at +2yoe for your poll winners in the states. (fe, 6yoe for an external L5 in states == 8yoe for an external L5 in 🇮🇳)

Uber Moons 🌘🌑 Apr 15

Not in Uber tho. A lot of up level in India because of shitty comp strategy

Uber DKMath Apr 14

From new grad to senior <4 is fast and >6 is slow. Poll should have been 4-10 in single year increments

Snowflake ex-aviato Apr 14

If I have to make a judgement about your skills as a senior swe from the poll options, you’ve already failed

Google studysysd Apr 15

Amazon recruiter recently told they only interview candidates with 10+ yoe for L6 ... which I assume is a lie

Amazon yMjO20 Apr 15

Funny bc we have L7s with like 8 yoe internally

Amazon nxHt27 Apr 15

Yep that’s why it’s a shit show