CompensationDec 10, 2017

Shocked At Compensation On Blind

With the major presence of tech companies on here, especially larger ones, I was expecting some high compensation numbers, but some of what I've seen has blown my expectations out of the water. I've been working nearly a decade and a manager for 2 years. Business side with expert SQL and light programming skillset. Non-tech company. NYC. $107k base, 5-10k bonus, $35k RSUs. I was happy at $75k to be honest, and I'm not money hungry or jealous, but this has really put things in perspective and opened up my eyes to tech and what kind of money can be made with just a few years experience. Anyone else feel the same? Edit: I make 2 grand more in base than I thought. HMB while I buy a Tesla

Amazon dongs Dec 10, 2017

Your total comp is around the same as a new college hire dev at the Amazon NYC office.

JetBlue anonymust OP Dec 10, 2017

It would be nice to see some more non-tech positions represented on Blind

Amazon 9hfqx5 Dec 11, 2017

^ well, I have roughly the same role as OP (Product Manager), about 30% of his experience (26 years old) and live in a lower cost of living city (Seattle)... but my comp is about double his. I’m not really an anomaly or anything, either. Tech is a great place to be right now, even if you’re non-tech. (Also how is OP “Eng” with SQL and light programming experience??? That’s not Eng...)

Intel Ncurhxhv Dec 10, 2017

Some of the things here get exaggerated. Take it with a grain of salt. Yes, it can get higher, but you can't compare others compensation etc to yourself since the location can be different etc. Best context to compare is with friend/peer who come from a similar background and is working similar job roles.

JetBlue anonymust OP Dec 10, 2017

I get that I'm not in a tech position and that's a great sector right now, but it makes me think I should at least explore IT at my company and see what compensation is like.

Adobe Yana Klova Dec 10, 2017

From my experience even tech position but at non-tech company won’t provide you the same level of compensation. You have to join the company where tech is the main money generator to hit the sky.

Oracle JnxP12 Dec 10, 2017

Dude you made the mistake of joining Blind. Now you will burn inside forever

JetBlue anonymust OP Dec 10, 2017

Feel like I've joined a dick-measuring contest ill equipped

Oracle JnxP12 Dec 10, 2017

Welcome to the club

Twitch ggtw Dec 10, 2017

The TC comps are high but so is the cost of living. My TC is $145k base, 35k bonus, $130k RSUs, but I won't be able to buy a house in the Bay Area where $1.3M is the starting bid. I imagine NYC isn't far off so maybe you're getting a raw deal, but usually when people are shocked at the comps they aren't realizing that monthly living bills are much higher.

JetBlue anonymust OP Dec 10, 2017

The most desired areas of NYC cost about as much, if not more (though renting is more common and there's more space options). I guess the vibrant tech opportunities here are partially why! 😂

Twitch ggtw Dec 10, 2017

Also if you have kids, which many tech bros do not, expect even higher cost of living. Childcare can approach $3500 / mo for school + help (nanny or daycare)

Ericsson blwa666 Dec 10, 2017

The numbers on blind are skewed towards SW development. Even in tech, not everyone is making a boatload.

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Amazon Vacuum Dec 10, 2017

You get paid $350 per hour?

Amazon xConsultnt Dec 11, 2017

As a former consultant (Deloitte) turned tech company employee, leave now, you'll be making much more if you go into a good tech company, I got a 45% bump, just make sure the cost of living in your area works for you.

T-Mobile yxiP78 Dec 10, 2017

At KPMG there is a path to money. That isn’t true in other areas

T-Mobile yxiP78 Dec 10, 2017

Can’t you make partner if you brown nose well enough and long enough? Partners make some serious coin. If you’re in a cost center like OP is at Jet Blue, you’re out of luck.

Microsoft SandyBeach Dec 10, 2017

Do you have a CS degree? I though most folk at places like JetBlue do IT work and have an MIS or CIT degree.

JetBlue anonymust OP Dec 10, 2017

CS minor. Definitely a company heavy on IT, but as others have mentioned, it's treated like a cost center and can't compete with most tech companies. In particular, JetBlue's cost structure limits salaries. It's well known most pay is below market value. They claim the flight benefits make up for it, but that's a stretch. I think the importance of tech in the airline industry is growing rapidly as a means of enhancing customer experience and increasing revenue through better segmentation, and attitudes at the top are finally changing. I think the industry is going to invest heavily in technology over the next decade and companies will behave more like tech companies going forward.

Microsoft SandyBeach Dec 10, 2017

Nice makes sense. I hear that's what's been happening at places like Starbucks as well where tech like mobile ordering is taking off.

Amazon frank, Dec 11, 2017

This is the other side of using Blind. I highly recommend not to use Blind if someone's TC <= 150k This platform's data are heavily skewed... I brought some of my friends to Blind (When I was also new) and they are not from FAANG, their life changed forever in some way... they became hopeless, sad and frustrated... they started blaming themselves for not making money like others.. while they are somehow responsible for that.. but it doesn't have to be this way... Don't believe everything you see on Blind

JetBlue anonymust OP Dec 11, 2017

Which is why there really needs to be more companies and discussion outside of tech. It's a big business world out there

The Trade Desk BWKa68 Dec 11, 2017

If they don't live in the Bay Area they are still probably ahead.

Amazon tr0l0l0l0l Dec 11, 2017

Stop being poor and having poor friends. Problem solved.

Microsoft SandyBeach Dec 11, 2017

There's that bezos bro talk

JetBlue anonymust OP Dec 13, 2017

I bet you're great at keg stands!