CompensationJul 3, 2019

skill set is very broad generally. what career/job should i target best?

i have a very broad skill set in education as well as working experience e.g phd in computer vision msc in wireless signal processing / dsp bsc in computer engineering working exp in (sw and hw) hardware automation both PLC programming as well as PC programming research scientist programming in calibration, modeling, deep learning, software development (c++ c# matlab python) tot yoe 10+ what job that broad skillset is at my advantage? (hope can combine hw and sw and math) would prefer faang jobs thanks

Northrop Grumman HowCouldYu Jul 3, 2019

PhD? Probably most jobs at FAANG, but you’re not gunna get thru w/o LeetCoding buddy, sorry

Microsoft RandomInt Jul 3, 2019

Microsoft Research hires that sort of background.

KLA-Tencor hGFE21 OP Jul 3, 2019

when i look at microaoft career, it always a very specific either hw, sw dev or scientist but none is a combination