Tech IndustryNov 27, 2022

Microsoft Software is Embarrassing

So my sister bought a new computer for my niece for her to play Roblox and watch educational content and whatnot. I offered to set it up for her and installed a fresh copy of Windows 11 from a USB key. Everything appeared to go smoothly, I created an Outlook account for her, signed in for the first time and set up all the software she needs. Great so far. I reboot the computer after installing the graphics drivers and when I try to sign in again, it says I can't do so without a guardian or parent. Interesting that it let me do it the first time. OK. I enter my sister's email but it errors out again because she's not recognised in the system as being my niece's parent. I go over to Microsoft's support page to find out that there's a Microsoft Family Safety iOS app where my sister can add her daughter to her family. We install the app on her phone but... there's no way to add new family members to it. Despite saying on MS's website to specifically use the app. Fine, I'll just use the web version. That one did have the option to add new family members. I add my niece's email and hit submit and... it errors out with an internal error. "Something happened on our end, here's the trace id, try again in a few minutes." I try again after a while just for lols and it breaks again with 500 status code responses in the Network tab. I try to sign in to my niece's MS account on the web, hoping it will let me add a parent from there, but it gives me the exact same guardian/parent crap. So at this point I'm beginning to think my niece is screwed and I have to install a new copy of Windows to get around this crap. HOWEVER, on the Windows sign in page, I find out there's a way to MODIFY YOUR ACCOUNT INFO, including birth date. I change it to have her birth year as 1980 and it lets me sign in. Yes, any kid can just do this instead of getting their parent's consent, which they might be forced to since Microsoft's family sharing system is completely broken and an absolute joke. I've known Microsoft's software offerings to be vastly below every other big tech company in terms of customer experience, usability, and general functionality, but this is like, unbelievably bad. Why is their software quality so terrible? Do they not test their things or have alarms in place for when something goes wrong? 2 YoE T: C

Databricks ipo2moon Nov 27, 2022

I got used to using a Chromebook for work for a while. Went to help my nephew with his Windows computer and over the course of not using Windows for a few years, completely forgot how janky the experience is. I guess you just have to have a certain pain tolerance because it always feels like you're running early access software

Meta richardheа Nov 27, 2022

Satya. It has all been going so great since he took over. 😉

Meta techbleed. Nov 27, 2022

Sir, this is a Wendys

Salesforce hsjsjbdvd Nov 27, 2022

Ikr! Fucking hate using Microsoft products. Such shit they are.

Amazon riela Nov 27, 2022


Microsoft Brao29hu8 Nov 27, 2022

Some of them are awesome such as VSCode… Majority of the products are meh in quality

Microsoft alrdyGONE Nov 27, 2022

Microsoft Parental Controls have ALWAYS sucked. But, you’re doing it wrong. Create your admin account for managing the machine. Login. Create a new *local* account for the niece. Don’t make it a Microsoft Account. Don’t make it an admin account. Done, she logs in using the local account.

Meta AJXE51 Nov 27, 2022

I'm honestly wondering if the Linux desktop is actually better now. I know it's a meme at this point, but I've been very happy with Gnome and Proton/wine for gaming. I haven't missed Windows at all.

Meta GEevrytime Nov 27, 2022

The best desktop is MacOS

Amazon hADi64 OP Nov 27, 2022

I was tempted to just tell her "its ok sweetie you're gonna love Ubuntu" but I figured running Roblox under Wine and spending hours debugging .ini files was too much for a 2nd grader lol

Meta GEevrytime Nov 27, 2022

Why are you surprised that a company with good Work-Life Balance that pays peanuts makes a low quality product?

Meta richardheа Nov 27, 2022

Nothing wrong with good WLB, it’s the peanuts and the hiring bar that are the problem.

Google misio Nov 27, 2022

I hate MS products as well. Sometimes I think that a bunch of monkeys would make better decisions about their products functionality. The 'best' two improvements I see about my Win11 PC is not being able to wake up from sleep using a mouse (worked fine in win 7, 10) and no option for 'combine taskbar when full'. The idiots are basically forcing you to do additional clicks when you have multiple Chrome windows open. Zero respect for this company.

Databricks ipo2moon Nov 27, 2022

Speaking of wake from sleep, how come Microsoft hardware + windows cannot consistently figure out that a closed laptop equals go to sleep? Too many times I would take my Surface out of my bag for it to be burning hot because despite being closed and idle for an extended period, the system stayed active and even kept the screen on