Stack/ Tools for building a Game

Hey folks, I have an idea for a very simple game for kids, something like Candy Crush. I am a Full Stack SWE but I have never worked on any game Engine like Unity etc. Can anyone here give me some idea about the Stack that I can use and tools that will be helpful for a game development? Also, I like to go through a quick course to start learning about Android/iOS development, any ideas? I prefer native experience to avoid any rendering delays (at least that’s what I read Swift/Kotlin vs React Native). It will be graphic heavy and I like to push some of my own content feed as well during the game. What do ya’ll think would be some Tools that I can use for the above. Appreciate your help. #India #gamedevelopment

American Express jkkk Jan 30

Unity should be plenty, and it is C# If you know C++, you can try Unreal Engine

Charles Schwab takla OP Jan 30

Cool let me check that πŸ‘

Microsoft nautella Jan 30

Which one is better for beginners? Unity or unreal? I am a C++ dev. What is easier learning c# or learning unreal?