Bored at Google

I’m bored. Been here 4 years. Not liking the work anymore, the pay is good by all intents and purposes I guesss, but damn bro I feel like my brain and soul’s melting by the day. What should I do? Seems like a good time to switch companies now that I’ve hit my comp cliff. How’s the market / interviewing like for SWE’s nowadays? Still same ol’ LC problems with design here or there, or do they ask different questions now since you have 13 year olds cracking LC Hard problems for fun since that’s all you Bay Area nerds know what to teach ur kids nowadays (fuck man)… What other industries/companies you recommend? I’ve been doing mostly infra work most of my career, though lately I’ve done client infra past year, but I’m ready to do something else. I wanna learn and do something new in something that matters, however pretentious and entitled that sounds but I know opportunities are out there. What are those opportunities/companies/fields I should go for? Is it crypto companies, AI (I’m prob not smart/educated enough to even be considered for AI, only have a BS of comp sci, no fancy masters). Should I quit for a year and travel? Idunno man, maybe I’m having a midlife crisis (almost 30) or maybe I just need a break from staring at the screen all day writing dumb ass code. Maybe Google is the best it gets and I should just stay here eating different types of exotic fruits all day. Any thoughts are appreciated, whether they’re productive or not. TC: $200k (conservatively, after my cliff. More like $240 but let’s just keep it at $200k cus I’m a dumbass) Level: L4 YOE: 6 years Age: 30 Single, male, ugly af (unless it’s ur mother ur asking)

yeeeezy Feb 15

Travel, eat good food, meet beautiful exotic women, broaden your perspective

Microsoft k5a78gy Feb 15

Networth ?

Google =)))) OP Feb 15

$450k (not including 401k). Not that much by tech standards but yeah. I lost a good chunk buying in peak crypto 2021 lol

Microsoft k5a78gy Feb 15

Wow that’s not bad at all !!

Microsoft BarFoo+ Feb 15

It's "for all intents and purposes", not "for all intensive purposes". I stopped reading at that point.

ByteDance mGthQN Feb 15


Amazon ztRX11 Feb 15

OP too intense lol

Amazon chewxjaquw Feb 15

Save up and plan to retire early. That way you can work on things that actually interest you even if it is tech. Taking a break is definitely a good idea. Google takes people back pretty easy if you are under a year gone.

Bloomberg corpo🐀r Feb 15

Damm bro you seem like a great coworker to have, if you want make $500 more join us.

Google =)))) OP Feb 15

Lol can’t tell how sarcastic ur being, but thanks. Bloomberg recruiters have messaged me

Samsung creatio Feb 15

Quit and travel and come back

Fidelity Investments c9Cyanide Feb 15

Ill trade w you

Amazon $&@“:;?!’ Feb 15

6 yoe L4 200k is kinda bad

Google =)))) OP Feb 15

Yeah I know. It’s technically $240k, I just like to think of it as $200k cus I’m conservatively paranoid. Is that still bad, genuine question? (too lazy to look up bands)

Google =)))) OP Feb 15

It was $300k/y avg past 4 years. But now that cliff hit its fallen, a lot.

AMD zens Feb 15

When u say infra what exactly do u work on

Google =)))) OP Feb 15

Worked on data pipeline stuff at Adobe Marketing Cloud for first 2 years. Then did Google Cloud Storage Efficiency for 1 year, then switched teams and been doing backend/fullstack/client “infra” work for a consumer apps team past 3 years (it’s been a mixed bag of work all across the different apps)

Dropbox rMSP34 Feb 15

You should definitely look into transferring to another company. You should be able to get an alright L5 offer that would put you at 350k+. Has your manager not given you any indication of refreshers / top-ups to keep you whole past the cliff? What are some of the things that you are interested in doing more generally? Life is short and we owe it to ourselves to live the most of it.