Lockheed Martin Senior Manager

Started the interview process for a Senior Manager at Lockheed. What can I expect for compensation at this level, or to look to try and get if I get that far?

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DCMA Runts OP Jan 6, 2020

Cool. So can most tech companies since the DoD uses most of their software.

NonCodeSW1 Jan 6, 2020

Well that went dark quick

Amazon de5i Jan 6, 2020

Tc or gtfo please

DCMA Runts OP Jan 6, 2020


AES Teau78 Jan 6, 2020

Location? Dallas?

Northrop Grumman sekiro12 Jan 6, 2020

Glassdoor is accurate for DoD contractors

Lockheed Martin DzVc00 Jan 15, 2020

No true for Lockheed. Normally Glassdoor is 10-20% lower.

Northrop Grumman sekiro12 Jan 16, 2020

Well, it's what they'll give you initially at both Raytheon and Northrop Grumman at least. Then you should argue it up in negotiations.

Lockheed Martin bakery Jan 7, 2020

Curious if you’re in the Dallas office? DCMA operates here. I believe the midpoint in Dallas for SWE Sr Manager is like 170k

DCMA Runts OP Jan 7, 2020

I actually no longer work for DCMA. I was in Oklahoma, but under the Dallas office.

Lockheed Martin bipo Jan 7, 2020

You have to give us more information in order for us to tell you what the pay is: what location? business area? Sr Manager of what exactly? Also, if the job req is still out, I can go to the internal website and tell you exactly what the pay range is.

DCMA Runts OP Jan 7, 2020

Location is Sunnyvale or Littleton, for the supply chain quality engineering and source acceptance.

Lockheed Martin bipo Jan 7, 2020

Ok, found the req. Because it is for two locations, the salary range is not there because it depends on the location the candidate is hired for. But a similar position, E5J (a level lower and in a different part of California) has the range of 127k-212k. Since the position you applied to is a E6J, you can expect a lot more than that! Sunnyvale will pay the most, Littleton the pay will be a bit lower because of COL.

Lockheed Martin DrJohn Mar 10, 2020

OP, any update on the position? Did you get the role? TC?