Tech IndustryAug 18, 2019

AI startup Nauto

I am considering interviewing with Nauto for a software engineering role. Some of the glassdoor reviews are discouraging. Any additional info regarding their engineering culture, future outlook, pay, WLB would be great.

Google चाचा चौधरी Aug 18, 2019

They got a great culture going on for them. I used to work for them before G. We used to regularly go out to get ramen at local shops. I miss those young idyllic days waking up with nothing in mind but one dream- become the next leader of the leaf village. The mentors I had were my life long teachers, granted some times the training was a little too harsh, but a bowl of ramen afterwards made everything worth it. Friends i made in team 7 are my lifelong buddies. I even had a crush on one cute girl 😍, oh what i would do to impress Sakura those days. Had a friendly rivalry going on with another young lad from another tribe, Sasuke. Needless to say, you can't go wrong with nauto, dattebayo!

ICF ISO-NE Aug 18, 2019

Naw man what you talking about its not all rainbows there. The company does get destroyed in the market every now and then (most recently by its competitor Pain LLC). Then the senior management try and save the day but they get their asses handed to them. OP The work is mainly team-centric but you'd be expected to interface flawlessly with teams you've never worked before for critical projects during said org wide crisis.

Nauto frown Aug 18, 2019

The glass door comment is mostly spot on. The work here is very so-so, And the product management is the company’s biggest weak spot. Financially the company is not on solid ground and a global recession will definitely have a very big impact on the company. There is a very large team of consultants who work from Poland and they will definitely be held on in favor of letting go of engineers here in Silicon Valley. In all honesty there are much better companies with much better prospects out there right now.

Juniper prism1 OP Aug 19, 2019

Thanks for the info.

Nauto UQJg72 Aug 21, 2019

Things are getting better and worse everyday. It’s a very typical startup. A lot of growing pains. The people are largely awesome. Incredibly smart, kind, motivated people up and down the org.

Nauto fcWJ36 Sep 9, 2019

You should give the interview a try and see if it is for you. It's a start up there are lots of challenges to face depending on the group you are in and some of these are challenges show up in the glassdoor review. The one thing the company has going for it with all its short comings is that the product on a whole works. Customers see a sizable reduction in claims and an increase in adjudications.

CloudCar Gnoo84 Oct 20, 2019

OP how was your interview experience?