Android interviews need advice

Hello! I got laid off sometime back and I've been looking for a new job after a month of prep. I am an android developer with 4 years of experience in the same company. I took sometime to prepare after I was laid off and then start appearing for interviews. I am able to get through the first round of phone screen/DSA questions but I am not able to get through the platform round. I've been rejected multiple times at this round where they ask questions on how things in Android work/basics in Android. I did prepare for these but I end up getting confused or lose confidence in my answer when I am cross questioned (eg. the lifecycle of the fragment, or the coroutines). If I am asked to implement a feature I do that well, since I know what to use and how to use it but I never took the time to learn the in depth internal workings. I am dejected and don't have any idea on how to proceed. Can someone please help me with how they remember all of this? Are there any standard set of interview questions? Is there any resources (preferably free) that you could suggest? Any help/feedback would be great. #mobile #android #help #mobiledeveloper

dogfoodie Feb 2

Can you now answer all the questions you got wrong?

Intuit plJL74 Feb 5

This. Make a notecard (sometimes multiple required) for every question that tripped you up.

DoorDash dd/mm/yy Feb 2

Review all the interview questions; it's just a matter of time before you secure the selection.

ex-Wayfair bos2nyc Feb 4

All the info you need is in the Android Developers site on Google.