Tech IndustryNov 15, 2018

Amazon vs Bloomberg (new grad)

I currently have full-time offers from Amazon (in AWS) and from Bloomberg, both for new-grad Software Engineering positions. Here are all the pros and cons I've gathered so far, both from my perspective and from browsing through here: Amazon: 108k base + 44k signing (over 2 years) + 70k RSUs(5/15/40/40 vesting schedule) Pros: - More prestigious - Most of the world uses AWS, so probably cooler projects to work on. Cons: - *The hiring bar, at least for new grads/interns seems to be reaaaally low. I got a full-time offer by just completing an online assessment and explaining my online assessment code to someone over the phone in a 45-minute interview. - The pay is less than Bloomberg, and their stock vesting schedule isn't the best. - Tons of stories about work-life balance being a nightmare, but I've also heard that this is highly team dependent. Bloomberg: 135k + 15k + 10k relocation bonus Pros: - They're offering me more money than Amazon - Everyone I've talked to seems to love working there, and work-life balance is amazing there. - Amazing office, free snacks, soup, and dinner (it's a gimmick, but this starts to add up when you eat as many snacks as I do :) ). - They have a structured three-month training program, and we get to pick our teams afterward. Cons: - They seem to have a pretty sizable amount of legacy code and projects in which the skills I would gain by working on them wouldn't be really transferable. - Less prestigious - The projects from which I get to choose probably aren't as cool as those at AWS - There are no titles, so I have absolutely no idea how career progression here works. During this recruiting season, I was rejected from the big companies (F, G, etc.), but I came pretty close so I may be trying to move up again in a year or two. I probably won't be getting most of the Amazon stock if I go there and I succeed in this goal. For that reason, I'm leaning towards Bloomberg right now. Here are my biggest worries right now and I'm wondering if anyone here would have anything to say about these: - How accurate is my assessment of these two companies? It would be amazing if somebody who worked (or interned) at both could pitch in! - How big is the difference in prestige between Bloomberg and Amazon? - (Bloomberg specific) How does career progression work at Bloomberg? How does the yearly growth in comp compare to Amazon? - Just speculation at this point, but if I do decide to go Bloomberg, would converting Amazon to an internship be a good move (if anything, to offset the difference in prestige)? Sorry for the long post -- I've been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to make sure I make the right decision for myself. I also wanted to include everything I've gathered so far so as to help anyone else who may be in my position. Thanks for your time :)

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Google milkman23 Nov 15, 2018

What's the offer for both?

MwYh38 OP Nov 15, 2018

Bloomberg is 135k base + 15k first year bonus + 10k relocation bonus. Amazon is 108k base + 24k first year bonus + 20k second year bonus + 70k RSUs over 4 years (with a 5/15/40/40 vesting schedule).

Gay-ramesh Nov 15, 2018

Wow, when did you get this offer ? RSU’s seem exceptionally high for a new grad. I was offered 50(5/15/40/40) units an year after I graduated

Microsoft tGlP27 Nov 15, 2018

Bloomberg, both companies have cool projects, go to the place where you sound like you'll be happier. If you bounce and switch companies within a year it doesn't really matter anyway

Amazon Lollllll Nov 15, 2018

I’m sure you will earn more at Bloomberg. However, AMZN is better in terms of career opportunities. I received offers from both, and chose AMZN.

Boeing Airbus Nov 15, 2018

Make it shorter

MwYh38 OP Nov 15, 2018

Just shortened it as much as I could while keeping everything I wanted to ask. Sorry for that!

Bloomberg MSGSlayer Nov 15, 2018

If you are young and single than living in NYC is way better than Seattle. No comparison here.

@!!!! Nov 15, 2018

I have the exact same numbers for Amazon. I am going somewhere else with 30% higher TC (not G/FB). And I agree the bar to get in is super low at Amazon (for new grads), which is also why I don't want to go there. Btw, how do you already know which team you will be joining. I was told I will get teams assigned after I accept the offer.

MwYh38 OP Nov 15, 2018

My offer letter said AWS on it. I believe it's its own org within Amazon?

@!!!! Nov 15, 2018

Okay. My letter says services. I guess it's for the retail arm.

Uber meowimacat Nov 15, 2018

Is Amazon in Seattle and Bloomberg in NYC?

MwYh38 OP Nov 15, 2018

I'm pretty sure, yeah

Deutsche Bank Floc Nov 15, 2018

Join Bloomberg , enjoy NYC but don't stick to it for a long time - change after a year

SAP PaloAltoCA Nov 15, 2018

Same position as you. I managed to get 10k more out of Bloomberg without a good competing offer. Looks like I’ll be taking Bloomberg.

MwYh38 OP Nov 15, 2018

Woah, that's amazing. How did you manage to negotiate that?

SAP PaloAltoCA Nov 15, 2018

Was honest with the recruiter. Told her I needed more because I am moving to a new city where the cost of living is way more than my current city. That’s it

Lyft crossfire Nov 15, 2018

Bloomberg seems better all around. You can switch to fang soon and they all have offices in NYC.

MwYh38 OP Nov 15, 2018

Thanks! Isn't Amazon technically a part of fang though? I'm just unsure whether Bloomberg will be a huge drop in prestige compared to Amazon.

Bloomberg MSGSlayer Nov 15, 2018

Bloomberg is not much less prestigious than FAANG. I get recruiters messages from FB, Amazon, Google.