BbEN22 May 2

Freedom of speech is not welcomed if it is against my beliefs I guess

Uber bleepblep May 2

Disrupting normalcy, preventing others from going to class and occupying college buildings isn't "freedom of speech"

Microsoft RHqp85 May 2

These protests are funded by Israel to generate hate for Palestine. Donโ€™t believe the protestor nonsense

Amazon lmsl OP May 2

Capital One qeG735 May 2

Arrest. Suspend. Expel.

Grubhub gWXe66 May 2

Hater Freedom of speech and protest going down the drain, youโ€™re not concerned in anyway?

Amazon lmsl OP May 2

Freedom of speech doesn't mean denying other people access, doesn't mean intimidating and threatening people, doesn't mean yelling ethnic slurs and doesn't mean calling for genocide Moreover it doesn't supercede property rights and the property owners are entitled to decide what kind of free speech activity they want to be associated with The schools, though they didn't have to, did provide venues for protest that would not suppress the rights of other students but the jihadis decided to inflict harm on other people instead

Amazon lmsl OP May 2

For what it's worth my understanding is the protests were at first pretty respectful, heated, but respectful, when it was only students. The problems were caused by Palestinian activists who are not students who infiltrated themselves into these events.

Capital One FrjS43 May 2

What free speech ? Free speech <> freedom for anarchy & hooliganism.

Capital One FrjS43 May 2

Perpetrators must be arrested. Foreign nationals among them should have their visas cancelled with permanent bar on entry to USA. US nationals should be kicked out of universities with a firm arrest record that should stay for access by all employment agencies. Vandalized items must be restored with money to be paid by these gangsters. I donโ€™t want my tax $ to be wasted because of scumbags.

Capital One qeG735 May 3

Naturally weโ€™re finding out these are not just kids cosplaying as revolutionaries but cosplaying as college kids. Otherwise, if they canโ€™t bother to attend class, kick โ€˜em to the curb and let in the Asian kids who had to settle for their second safety school.