
ROI of becoming an IOS developer?

Curious to see how people think about this, I’m a new grad choosing between a role where I will be working on mostly SwiftUI frontend and some integration stuff with Swift, and another role where I do machine learning with Python. How transferable & desirable would skills like SwiftUI and Swift be in 5 years, given that the age of mobile is past its prime and GenAI will prob make frontend dev 10x more efficient. TC: 0 still a student

Google shrba Mar 11

Do not take it up. The age of mobile is long gone. You will never become director of engineering by spending 5 years at mobile. Take up backend work or AI work

OpenDoor uaVu66 Mar 11

Strongly agree. Take up backend.

Petco soberKid Mar 11

Mobile era is over. Take python with si

Google blaaaargh Mar 11

Take whatever you find more fun. You can always switch

Apple digga Mar 11

I’ve been doing iOS dev for the last 15 years and still going strong. If you don’t like UI work though I’d recommend something else