Buying a business as a side hustle?

I'm relatively new to the U.S. and recently came across these business-for-sale announcements. Are they scams or genuine opportunities to earn passive income? The screenshot is just an example to illustrate the concept. TC: 450k #investments

Genuine - do due diligence before buying. These are definitely not passive - at least in the beginning

Pellego GTgU71 May 5

Yuba city 😂

Thermo Fisher Wojr02 May 5

What site is that

Amazon finallyhre May 5

If it was passive and so easy, do you think the owners would sell it? But really, gas stations are extremely hard to get off the ground as "passive" and more importantly, profitable. Just hiring attendants and cashiers will eat up all your profits while having to deal with the headache of managing employees. Want a manager to manage employees? More money out of your pocket, and you better be really good at finding people that won't steal from you and respect you and like you enough to continue being trustworthy. Best of luck to you if you go this route.

Meta 0ok4df89 OP May 5

Profitability is the thing that makes me wonder if those offers aren't scams with inflated cash flow results.

Snap dinonuggs May 5

Look up Codie Sanchez on YouTube. This is all she talks about.

Microsoft pGQs62 May 5

A gas station is not a side hustle. It’s at best a 70 hour a week, 100k/yr job you buy