
What's Easier?

Goal: SWE at FAANG or adjacent. Tldr: how much weight does DE at FAANG have. Context. I have opp to join FAANG but as a data engineer. Currently I am technically manager of software dev but it's within data engineering team. I do more swe tasks than DE. Ultimate goal is to end up SWE at FAANG. Not sure if I should take opp at FAANG for DE or continue SWE path.

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Google qLhH85 Mar 21, 2023

What is de, what does this poll mean

bigbangby OP Mar 21, 2023

Data engineer

Meta flattening Mar 21, 2023

Transferring internally is hard but you could join as DE and see if can transfer to SWE. Having FAANG on the resume could make it easier to land SWE role elsewhere too