CrowdStrike$CRWD 💎🙌

Do banks actually use crypto/blockchain at all?

So crypto has been around for a while already but it doesn’t seem to be used much at all besides for speculation/value store/foreign remittance. Who’s actually using this technology and how? #jpmorganchase #hsbc #goldmansachs #standardchartered #square #morganstanley #ripple

CrowdStrike kwqM31 Mar 9

TC or gtfo

CrowdStrike $CRWD 💎🙌 OP Mar 9

Not a lot mate I’m Europoor. Thank god GK blessed us with the stonk so my TC went up. Something like $220k now I think

Google park windy Mar 9


CrowdStrike $CRWD 💎🙌 OP Mar 9

How about gogole mate no internal projects using it?

Meta richаrdhea Mar 9

No one.

Ripple wQ4sR:@0 Mar 10


CrowdStrike $CRWD 💎🙌 OP Mar 11

💀 How is ripple still a thing then how do they make profit