Tech IndustryAug 27, 2021

Atlassian recruiter

They scheduled a call but no body called at that time or intact whole day. R they junk?

Rally Health Hydnu Aug 27, 2021


Optum Yepp Aug 27, 2021


Splunk LpXY83 Aug 27, 2021

Lol had an HR call but never moved forward, wasted time

Barclays PLC sscL38 Aug 27, 2021


Atlassian slowmonk Aug 27, 2021

Usually recruiters are contractors and they change companies more often. If u have only that contact then u hit the wall

Atlassian ctl4939 Aug 27, 2021

90% of recruiters suck at any company. Just follow up again. I was ghosted more times than I can count my last job search or had to follow up multiple times for a response. Never let a recruiter get between you and a job opportunity

Atlassian xyzabc~ Aug 27, 2021

And how many times have you ghosted recruiters? We engineers think too highly of ourselves than we deserve. In my career, I mostly have pleasant experiences working with recruiters as I treat them with respect. We suck more than they do.

Atlassian ctl4939 Aug 27, 2021

None that I've interacted with. If you mean random people reaching out to me from crappy companies when I'm not looking for a job, I don't really count that. But I treat every recruiter I interact with with respect.

Atlassian SLdB68 Aug 27, 2021

Just like some engineers suck when it comes to respecting recruiters. We engineers only remember recruiters when we need a job, else we care a shit or even fail to recognize they exist. Why complain when you get a taste of the same medicine you offer? True some recruiters are bad but to generalize a community is pathetic. You get what you sow.

Atlassian ctl4939 Aug 27, 2021

No. Most recruiters are garbage. Many of ours included. It's a low bar to get in to a job like recruiting hence a lot of people that have no idea how to manage it properly. Now the other 10% is the polar opposite and really great but it's definitely the minority who are like that. Also why would I acknowledge a recruiter when I'm not looking for a job? It'd be like me expecting a recruiter to acknowledge me if they didn't have a job that fit my skills. It's cold calling and not disrespectful to ignore. Much different than a recruiter reaching out and talking with you then ghosting without explanation.

Atlassian xyzabc~ Aug 27, 2021

Your language says a lot about you. Atlassian may not be the right company with this attitude. On a side note, did you try to follow up with the recruiter to see why they didn’t call you before labeling them as “junk”?

Cisco fhsggfhrbk OP Aug 27, 2021

If u don't value others time, not sure what kind of culture u guys have!! Enjoy your attitude and your *** culture..

Atlassian msbby759 Aug 28, 2021

I agree, good luck elsewhere Cisco lol

lhJX05 Aug 29, 2021

We have shitty culture. Plz dont come here.

Atlassian slowmonk Aug 29, 2021

Yes this. I can vouche for this. I dont know why atlassian has managed to create impression that we have good culture and WLB