ZoomInfo admits to exploiting workers

ZoomInfo severely underpays talent then is confused why it can’t retain talent. VP admitted then will aggressively underpay as much as possible to increase margins. Managers are reprimanded for advocating for their employees. The average salaries posted on Glassdoor & Indeed are not only false but manufactured. They have teams making reviews. Such a joke. I fully support a healthy company supporting healthy profit margins- but we’re talking not even in the salary band. Even more laughable when CEO is giving salary increases to his friends while business suffers. He also uses the “common man” speak all the time citing his humble beginnings…. Not at all calling to fact he sold 100M in shares before it tanked. With macroeconomic state I am aware people are lucky to be employed but I hope karma delivers a swift kick to Leadership before company cannibalizes itself- because saddest thing is there are such amazing people at ZI- they deserve better.

Salesforce eTTt82 Nov 19, 2022

Stay put. Toxic companies are destined to go under in this recession. They simply have no leadership, just greed, which doesn’t go hand in hand with current economic environment. Just look how many companies tanked, that’s just the beginning.

ZoomInfo fabfly52 Nov 24, 2022

If you go back a little more than a year CEO has cashed out close to $1B. They hire sub par talent IMHO (probably due to the salaries) and have way too many engineers, organized so inefficiency, that it's difficult to be productive. RSU are a joke and now pretty much worthless. Even with the stock tanking this month it's still over valued 2x. Colleagues who use the products have mainly told me it's good but too pricey and won't renew. No one ever mentions churn numbers on all hands. I was an acquisition and am looking elsewhere. It seems from musings most of our group isn't happy now either.

ZoomInfo afer81 Dec 17, 2022

This is accurate. Hamster on a wheel analogy fits perfectly for the tc