
PSA: Glassdoor tracking users' real names

> The TL;DR is: Glassdoor now requires your real name and will add it to older accounts without your consent if they learn it, and your only option is to delete your account. They do not care that this puts people at risk with their employers. They do not care that this seems to run counter to their own data-privacy policies. > For context, here are some quotes from their own data policy: As a global company, Glassdoor is subject to a variety of privacy laws that confer a range of privacy rights upon our users. We are committed to working to support compliance with the requirements of these global privacy laws and ensuring the rights and protections they offer are available to all of our users regardless of their location. [...] We allow you to learn about, access, and control the personal data that Glassdoor holds about you. This includes data related to your use of Glassdoor.com, Fishbowlapp.com, and our associated apps. Using the form at the bottom of this page, you can request that Glassdoor allows you to: [...] Rectify your personal data. [...] Delete your personal data. There is also this: Right to withdraw consent for certain specific uses of your personal data on Glassdoor. [...] If we have collected and processed your personal information with your consent, then you can withdraw your consent at any time. > This message went on to tell me that it was "not possible" to edit my name and if I want it gone, my only option is to delete my account. I responded that I planned to do that after I get my data dump, and in the meantime can they remove or anonymize my name -- reset to last week's level of privacy? It obviously is possible for them to edit that field because they did. Users, however, cannot edit it, so I can't fix it myself. https://cellio.dreamwidth.org/2024/03/12/glassdoor-violates-privacy.html Sounds like this is because they're adding names to Fishbowl, which is "a Blind-inspired social-media thing they're now doing" lol

GitHub SWQX25 Mar 14

With levels.fyi and probably upcoming services, hopefully Glassdoor continues to decrease in popularity. Glassdoor has always been against its users… hoping it dies honestly

ZoomInfo abcdeflol Mar 14

If you delete your account, do they delete any reviews, etc associated with your account too?

Capital One TVSr56 Mar 20

You can ask them to delete.

Capital One TVSr56 Mar 20

What a Dumb.