Misc.Jul 10, 2023

How do you know when to quit?

I recently started a new job in a construction company where I’m the only swe and tech person. This is a small construction company and a job I accepted out of desperation since I’ve been laid off from my previous position in big tech. Everything started off fine, we talked about all the projects and software the president of the company wanted to build. And I had everything laid out and even kept a daily log of everything I’m working on. But then one month later he keeps asking me why I haven’t rebuilt the app from the ground up yet. That it’s taking me too long and that I haven’t done shit. That is exactly what he told me. He constantly emails me at 1am and then texts me in the morning saying I need to reply to his emails. Keep in mind, I have a running notes doc that he never checks but still makes these claims. There was one time I needed a software license to finish a project and he said he’s not paying for it, that I should pay for it out of pocket or it’s coming out of my paycheck. Or get ready to get fired because I didn’t take initiative to buy the software myself to finish the project. It seems that he thinks software is like construction where you can just throw money at a project and scream at people and it will magically get done. I keep trying to explain to him that these things take time but he told me that I’m wasting his time and that if he tried he could probably build it faster than me. None of the other workers like him, but they all still put up with him. I really hate working here, but I don’t have any other job lined up. Just a bunch of interviews with no solid offer yet. Should I quit? What would be the ultimate line that’s crossed? Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts. Tc: 60k #misc

Google —soleman- Jul 10, 2023

You should have quit after first few interactions

Polygon Technology Gxcg60 OP Jul 10, 2023

Even if it’s my only job? In my experience, I’ve never been talked to like that. I’ve seen him do that to other workers and they just stay quiet. Seems like that’s the culture here unfortunately. But like I mentioned, it’s my only gig at the moment. And I have a family I need to take care of. Would you still quit?

Google —soleman- Jul 10, 2023

No, not if you have a family to feed but i would start looking for another roles then. Sorry for your situation:/

Indeed iH0vZx Jul 10, 2023

Classic small non-software shop gig. Been there. Get the fuck out ASAP, it will only get worse 1 am emails? Not buying software licenses? It's a shitshow, quit

Nike letsdoittt Jul 10, 2023

Quit 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

Convoy gKhi27 Jul 10, 2023
